Pve stuff sure that makes sense but all pvpers have to do is pvp.
You can still Q for pvp after maitenance, your rating just doesn’t change. Also the unrated modes are still available.
Further, most players dont JUST pvp or pve; the whole game is still available!
It doesn’t. You can still queue normally.
Alot of people do infact JUST pvp, more so some do only pvp when its an actual season.
Yeah, but not that many JUST do rated…
Ya, it’s definitely a non-zero number!
But for so many global complaints from that community about participation, how can you complain that people won’t play your specific niche section of the game if you won’t even try other ones??
This isn’t an attack, just a suggestion to try other things!
I actually quite enjoy the random BGs between seasons. It’s a good opportunity to play other specs and try out the new changes.
Curious what DH and FDK will feel like tomorrow. Not to mention MM hunter.
and to flex your mount and title on the FOMO crowd who didn’t get them
That would be me .
I didn’t even get the weapon enchant.
People still queue to test new balance changes and such.
Dh without any means necessary will be super interesting!
Also curious to see all the new mm changes.
Excited for all the QoL in the druid class tree, but worried about the clone and st damage nerfs to boomy.
Mage changes super interesting also with nerf to ring of fire and alter, but that overpowered barriers talent as well.
It’s a DPS loss for sure, but might allow stacking other stats aside from mastery.
I think everyone will be playing aldrachi reaver now too. In part because of the mastery nerf. Who knows, we might even play the mover build in PVP. The stun/toss talent will be fun too.
I am not sure the faster eye beam will factor in as much in BGS as arena, but that should help some. Pretty tough to shut it down every 20 seconds.
I am sad that DH has gotten away from the simple BIG DAM play style, but I will give it a go.
Marksman hunters are gonna be slammin. Better get your stuns ready lol
Even if you only PvP… there are normally tons of balance changes, so I’d suggest trying the changes, new builds new classes ECT as you wait… but that’s just me, I look at it like a trial/testing period lol
This is why we’ll never get a root break
No pvp mode is being removed from the game. You csn continue queueing, unless your enjiyment of pvp is based purely on your cr/mmr. If thats true, then I feel kinda bad
There’s multiple weeks of downtime mid season for pvp
Some of the aldrachi changes look interesting and if I can gear for haste (which makes DH waaaaaaay better feeling to play once you hit 25%+), it might be a ripper of a spec. Plus the changes to aldrachi order of operations being less important means you can CS before BD now without much of a penalty and still get your like +20% damage up.
Plus the DF set bonus is back and while not as powerful it also bakes a slow into their rotation via blade dance so they’ll be more obnoxious to get away from lol.
its defintitely a painful as a pvper week but i promise you its necessary, you don’t want some cheesers or people abusing overtuned stuff week 1 to gain rating and the downtime week helps prevent that.
I don’t like the sound of any of this, and as such will begin creating an army of classic alts to spam the forums with new “nerf DH” threads.
On a totally unrelated note, what’s the minimum classic character level to post on forums?
10 I think
One secret change I hope they enact is DH does 500%+ damage into BM Hunter only. It would even out for me, tbh.