Can No Longer Play Game due to BNet

This started last night when BNet went to update the game. It got stuck on “initializing”. Weirder still, I noticed it would get partway through initializing (e.g. 58mb/300mb) before crashing back to 0mb and recounting from there.

I tried every solution I could find and ended up trying to re-install BNet. Oh boy, do I regret that choice.

Half the time, the installer crashes and says “Whoops! Something broke!”. When it does manage to get past that stage, it either gets stuck in a loop at the “Downloading BNet updates” or installation stage, again climbing to 50-70% installed/downloaded before resetting back to 0%, creating an endless loop.

I’ve tried everything I can think of, running the installer as administrator, turning off my anti-virus, nothing has worked. I have two storage drives that I’ve tried the installation on and both are experiencing the issue.

At this point I’m not sure what I can do other than unsubscribe given that I can’t play the game.

Have you tried a VPN or another internet connection like cellular hotspot?

It could be that the route to the update servers is not great and moving to another provider might resolve it temporarily until the routing can be changed by the ISP (if that’s the issue).

I hadn’t tried the VPN method before, but unfortunately it did not work.

Cellular hotspot is unfortunately not an option as I am located outside the U.S. and cellular data plans are exorbitantly priced in my country. I’d be paying an arm and a leg to install Battle Net and update WoW on a hotspot.

Have you restarted your PC since then?

Recently, I’ve been having issues with random game crashes, and then Launcher wants to update WoW, or logging into a character throws an error, because, as far as I can tell, the crashed program still has locked file handles on parts of the game (the WoW-account-specific SavedVariables folders in WTF, even those of accounts that weren’t logged in)

The only way to resolve that is to restart the PC (logging out the Windows user is not enough)

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I have, yes. The issue first arose last night. I shut my PC completely down before bed and rebooted it this morning, and the issue has persisted into this afternoon.

i am having the same issue i was able in reinstall bnet but not wow and its doing the same thing as before