Can mogu become dk?

Maybe Spoliers. Shown in ptr there are friendly mogu and some female mogu something is telling me an allied race is coming. But a question pops into my mind what class could mogu become and can mogu become death knight? Anyone got any ideas?


Aren’t they made of stone again? I don’t think you’d have an easy time resurrecting that given titan constructs were designed to resist old god corruption. Not that they do a good job of that but still.


Yea I thought they were flesh but maybe something happens.

They were but then they used their access to the Titan forges to undo it or some such I think. It’s been a while but I’m pretty sure they’re all stone again now.

Elementals can become Undead Revenants according to Warcraft 3’s Manual so Stone beings can most certainly become Undead.

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Are those still canon? Did we ever see them in WotLK? They were all over the place in WC3 but I don’t remember running into any in the mmo version of Northrend.

That is a Water Revenant!

That is an Ice Revenant!

Fire Revenants are seen in Ragnaros’s army in the Firelands during Cataclysm which is the last Expansion that the Undead Elemental Revenants are seen in.

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So they could be dk?

Apparently those are a little different than the conventional undead though and explicitly immune to the Lich King’s powers so it may still be quite difficult or outright impossible to use conventional necromancy to create stone undead.

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We are gettin’ way ahead of ourselves. We only just learned that friendly Mogu exist, we know nothing about them in terms of an Allied Race, let alone undeath.

Hey a dk can dream!

They’re around the guy whos going to be influenced by N’zoth, don’t get too attached to them.

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First Spoliers something happens to ra den but not to the mogu but I’m hoping we get to play mogu on the alliance!

This is how all “rumor” AR’s are like.

First it’s people starting rumors that any and all X races introduced in an expansion, or revisited, will be an AR followed by asking if they can be Y hero class before finally being upset that X race did not become playable despite little to no suggestion by Blizzard that was ever on the radar.

Mogu are nothing more than Blizzard wanting to reuse old assets and saw an opportunity to do so consider the story they want to tell.

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This just some fun and having a lore talk.

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I mean at least in this case asset reuse makes sense. Why would Raden reinvent the wheel?

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Ra-Den just made himself some new Mogu to serve him. They already exist as an asset and they fit the theme of the zone they are in artistically. I don’t think we will see more of them than that, really.

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You never know.

Exactly. Blizzard had an idea in mind and old assets that can be used to fulfill that vision. Nothing wrong with that.

The Uldum situation might confuse me as it could determine if the Mogu might follow the old gods either through corruption or to preserve their immortal state.