Can just immediately join the Forsworn?

There’s a whole Quest chain in Nazmir regarding the Blood Trolls explaining why this is not true…

I don’t remember that specifically, but I’m gonna guess they did a poor job of the


I’m literally leveling a new class that works well with the necrolord covenant because it’s the only one I can stand.

You’re mad that a group wants you to start a new life in your new life that lasts an eternity? Its not like they’re devoid of personality so I don’t get why people claim they’renothing but robots.

Since the Archon is considering changing things I dont see why those who don’t want to give up their past life just can’t ferry souls. Those that wish to ascend can continue to do so.


When starting that new life means losing everything that made me me, yeah. If someone wants to do that of their own free will, fine, but that’s not what’s happening at the point I’m at in the story. Right now, Bastion is just a religious cult reeducation camp in my eyes.



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it’s interesting how this covenant system and their stories make some people explode with definitions and opinions as if every human is perfect and without flaws… while this is a game questioning the “purpose” is like going against the tide…

The forsworn (aka helya minions) arent any better either… and Uther… he’s a good choice for venthyr now after his “justice” was done.

Whose leader has said they’d consider reform. Devos and Uther don’t give the Forsworn a great look when their first act is to take vengeance, ally with the Jailer, and kill anybody who doesn’t agree and join them. She could easily dismiss them keep on keepin on.

You’re also ready to kill an entire group of people, who have a very important role in this universes afterlife, because you don’t like how they operate. And you just met them.

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I don’t want to kill them all, just the ones that insist all Kyrians give up their memories.

That they can perform without giving up their memories.

Because how they operate is erasing people.

“Hi! We force everyone to erase their memories and if they have a hard time with that they go to the reeducation camp!” -Kyrians

Yeah, that’s pretty much all I need to know to want to tear that system down.


And fortunately it’s not up to you. Fist time somebody ascended with intact memories they threw an unjudged soul into the Maw for vengeance. Not a great look for your argument.


Thats the only quest I felt I was doing the right thing. Taurens should be erased from everyones memories.

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I agree vulperas should be removed from everyones memories.

How about instead of sending people like Uther to Bastion, we send people like Anduin or Calia to Bastion. In a realm that has infinite time how many Kyrian do you even need?

Someone whose soul was damaged by Frostmourne, ascended in bad faith specifically to circumvent the Kyrians’ purpose, then driven to complete that circumvention when the good in him, because of the person he was, hesitated to do it. In actuality, it was a mind-wiped Kyrian that was responsible for that unjudged soul being thrown into the maw.

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The reform the Archon is considering should just make it so those that don’t want to forget their past life can’t ascend. There’s other jobs that they could do that we’ve seen while questing there. Those that are fine with leaving their mortal life behind continue as before.

Every worlds souls funnel into the Shadowlands. The infinite universe feeds into the infinite afterlife. The realms also seem to be invaded on occasion, at least Bastion and Ardenweald have, and require upkeep with new souls.

At the urging of someone who had ascended with their memories removed. Or have you forgotten that Devos was 110% on board with Uther’s actions?

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Yeah, like literally Palpatine level “do it!” on board.

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They can’t take that risk. After all look at what Uther did because he couldn’t get over his past life. He corrupted Devos and together they decided they knew better than the Arbiter. Think about it this way, what would stop any NE who ascended to being a Kyrian do to any Horde soul they found. Considering they would have learned that the Horde just recently invaded their homelands, burned their love ones to death condemning them to an enteral torment in the Maw. Think they wouldn’t just toss them straight into the Maw, just like Uther did with Arthas?

Their job is too important for them to risk being influenced by their past life.

So instead of erasing happy memories you want to steal happy memories and help everyone be stuck in eternal torment?

His entire cinematic is him going on and on about how he wants his “justice”. He’d throw him in either way, Devos gave him the opportunity.

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