Can I solo Taz'avesh yet?

I assume I can’t but has anyone tried? I’m willing to play whatever spec I need to.

Depends on your gear and skill. There’s no legacy bonus to your character yet.

Any tank can do it at max with a full set of 343 crafted gear. Hunter probably the same. DPS… Maybe… Most likely if you’re 400+ ilvl.

I want to say you can.

Mythic dungeons shouldn’t be too bad to solo, but raids are another story.

People could solo m0 at the end of season 4 of SL, so I’m sure you can do it now with meh gear. I would suggest taking a hybrid like shaman/druid/paladin or a tank though, just encase you need a heal.


Legacy buff shouldn’t exist unless they squish levels/gear again in a future expansion. Tazavesh is probably not soloable with all classes, but should be a walk in the park with 2-3, with a tank and/or a healer because of unavoidable damage.

I assume tanks can.
Maybe hunters and warlocks.

Either way, with no legacy buff, might take you a bit to finish (assuming you don’t run into roadblocks via mechanics)

I wish they’d come up with a cleaner way to how this legacy buff gets applied. Is it old content? Yes? Am I higher level than it? Yes? Legacy buff should be applied if those two questions answer yes. Shouldn’t be gotta wait 2-3 expansions to solo old content and hope they don’t mess up the scaling with inevitable squishes.

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A lot of the delay is so that people that worked for a reward can enjoy it for a while and not be annoyed (or less annoyed) as it becomes something that ~everyone can get with ease.

Example: Bloodfang Widow

I bought this during legion (2 million gold) because it was kind of a “prestige” mount and because it was a unique/cool model.

Then the model was reused for a pvp mount (Vicious War Spider).

Initially, I was a little annoyed because I had spent so much gold and now people could get access to that model for “free” but then I thought “well, I got this during legion and I had 2 full expansions of it being unique/cool so… eh shrug

I haven’t tried it, but if a tank can solo a M+ boss in higher keys, they can solo anything in Taz. As long as the first boss doesn’t do the stun when there is only one player anyway.

Try it and find out?

Sure, I could. but If boss 7/8 is a mechanic wall, I’d rather know ahead.

Probably, but you can’t do hard mode without a full group because you won’t be able to phase So’leah past her intermission.

What does Hardmode get you again? The mount?

Yeah. The gold version of the gear glider.

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Anyone know of this is still true?

You can solo her, it just takes about 35min. Put on a youtube and have at it.

It’s a damage reduction, not a blanket immunity. Just get in there and chop wood.


I was doing it last year on this Monk in WW spec, abusing the Fatal Flying Guillotine talent to cleave off of the nearby mobs. Pull a pack, get them on top of the boss, ToD one, wait for the cooldown, repeat. Was a slog, but doable. I’m sure you could whittle away at her the old fashioned way too, it would just take a long time.

Yeah I just tried. Very sad.

I liked your post only because I’d never heard that ‘chop wood’ expression before and I kinda dig it. :dracthyr_crylaugh:

I’ve realized I’m going to do this on my warlock with Absolute Corruption