Can I just say that gul'dan felt like a good villain?

Like…wow. I don’t think there was ever a moment with him where I felt like I really could’ve killed him on my own. He felt like he was always one step ahead, always ready to find some other way to end us all. He was determined, he was stubborn, and he had an acidic voice that gave me goosebumps. I enjoyed pursueing him across expacs - and it felt like we were chasing him too. Khadgar’s legendary questline felt like a desperate attempt to just level with the guy, and then when legion came, losing suddenly became an option.

That was great.


Welcome back Willow.

Liked Gul’dan he was good at what he believed in.


I would say that Gul’dan was just… good fun
Evil while having fun doing it.

Not playing 4D chess or trying to make you feel bad for him, but simply straight up loving the trill of it.


Gul’dan was amazing.

And he didn’t need Zul’s “Good…good” to show it!

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I loved meeting him in the Warlock questline in Legion where it was assumed you were chasing power like any reasonable Warlock would and were defecting from your faction.


Blizzard did a good job with him, he was an excellent villain.

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The only issue with Gul’dan was how badly Blizzard treated him in Warcraft III: killed off screen during a cutscene in the Night Elf campaign. Because of this, they had to go through all of WoD just to give us a Gul’dan.

Otherwise, love the guy. Sometimes evil for the sake of evil is a breathe of fresh air. Not when it’s all the time, mind you, but amidst the “morally gray” and “I’m doing what I think is right” villains we’ve been getting, he stood out well.

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He was a good villain because he was actttttually a villain. More bad guys then not are ‘aktually’ good guys who are just misunderstood OR they are just temporarily bad guys because their minds got warped by the ‘REAL’ bad guys pulling the strings.

We need more real bad guys in this game. Like… super bad. People you want to hate and people you might have to set aside your own personal beliefs and actually… you know… kill.

I eagerly await legion timewalking and Nighthold being put in as a timewalking raid.

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See you can do evil guys who have good intentions. Look at Garrosh - his whole shtick was that orcs were impoverished and he wanted to change that. His route ended in faschism, but it adds some more depth to why he’s doing what he’s doing. I hated him for it even more because I could see why he wanted things to change - and was going about it the wrong way.

Thing is though, Gul’dan was never the BOSS.

He was always the MINION.

The Old Gods are better villains (even though Blizz wrote N’Zoth like a wimp in the end).

But he was still another one that was swayed by the old gods and that’s eventually what consumed him. As far as the horde goes, his intentions at first were good for the horde. I think it’s hard to say how much of what we saw was his own choice or just the decision he made while… under the influence.

I mean, for that matter, Gul’Dan had ‘good’ intentions. The whole point of the legion was to prevent the void lords and what not… so even they had some intent to ‘save’ what they could. Most bad guys have good intentions in that light.

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I liked the old gods! I just wish there was a llittle less reliance on the whole lovecraftian version of things and they went and did their own creation. I bloody loved c’thun with the bugs and the pools of unknowable darkeness, the winding caverns and luminous, breathing caverns…that was fun.

I dunno. I would’ve liked to see more.

Honestly my favorite baddie in recent memory. You loved to hate him, he was genuinely badass, and his backstory was cool.

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except for the inconvenient fact that the real gul’dan died 20 yrs ago and this one shouldn’t even be here. it creates a paradox.

Well but even THAT was taken care of. It was actually super cool to read about - there were short stories of Gul’dan being so bloody unnerved by the fact that he had existed here - and failed. It popped into his head all the time - that ever looming truth that he had gone through all these motions once and died. It made him desperate in legion. That’s why he lost, in the end. He overstepped in his fear.

For real, Gul’dan and Xavius are super underrated

Funny enough, I thought Lady Ashvane had potential in BfA before Nazjatar as she remained focused on the azerite compared to our other villains. Not sure what happened to that big plot concerning azerite weapons.

Ah Magni put a stop to it. Ashvane’s tech was applied to the Naga armies, but after seeing how utterly environmentally devastating it was, the Horde and Alliance kinda mutually agreed to stop using it. Magni was super insistant and since Sylvie was the only one who wanted to use it, once she was out that was it.

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