Can I fly slower?

I have 300 but my alts have 225. Is there a way I can fly slower so they can keep up when they are on follow? Or are all flying mounts set at my current speed?

No way that I know of. But now Blizzard have a good reason to check your accounts to see if you are violating the policy on multiboxing.


Its my brother playing the second account. I just hate stopping constantly to let him catch up.

Not really a way to fly slower, just usually in that case I’d suggest the slower one leads while putting the faster on follow.

Also there’s nothing against having multiple WoW accounts, nor playing them at the same time, the issue is using outside software to input commands on both (or more) at the same time. If I want to go into an older dungeon, for rep or whatever, and need to bring my healer on the other account to alt tab over to to heal, there’s nothing against that. In fact, both of my WoW accounts are tied to the same Battle.Net account, so if that itself was against the rules, you wouldn’t even be able to do that in the first place.

Honestly though it comes in super handy for doing some dailies like pretty much all of the venture bay dailies that reward coins, with the exception of the rocket quest, they’re all just do a thing, be it killin’ mobs or smokin’ them out, it’s really nice getting a set of those done for two characters with barely any extra effort. Though anything where you gotta gather, like the springs and whatnot for the northern dailies in the hills is a little more annoying. So they have their ups and their downs.


Multiboxing no longer gives an outrageous benefit over others due to the no key duplication policy now. Multibox till your hearts content. Just use the slow guy upfront so all guys stay on follow.


I have no problem with this what so ever. My point was since the OP has admitted to multiboxing perhaps Blizzard should take a look to ensure key duplication is not being used.

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Its 1 keypress = 1 action on a single client. Not Each client. All you had to say at the start was no you cant fly slower, just be careful with multiboxing and the rules of it so you stay out of trouble. Instead this spiraled into some weird is that a threat nonsense that has nothing to do with his question.


Honestly from my other interaction with this person, this pretty much seems par for the course. Grasping all the pertinent info at once doesn’t seem to be their strong suit.


Make one of them the lead.


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Multiboxing is fine if no software is involved. I think you need to refresh yourself on the rules.

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I have already made that comment. I think you need to refresh yourself on your reading comprehension.

Always thought a slider for mount speed would be a cool addition for RP and immersion.

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You can’t even keep up if they’re all at 300. In TBC you could, but not in wrath. In northrend there are tons of invisible seams in the air that make you randomly stop following. They’ll disappear for a split second, and you’ll just stop following. The visual is similar to a character swapping layers.

the solution is to lead with your slowest party member and have the 300s on follow


WTF did I admit to multiboxing? Having someone else helping me using one of my accounts isn’t multiboxing.

Edit: Unless me using voice commands to tell my brother what to do is considered multiboxing.

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Ignore them, they like to pull the wrong side of things quite often, not intelligent, that one.

There is nothing wrong with multiboxing, the issue would be if you were using a program to copy your inputs or hardware that’d put your inputs into both clients basically simultaneously.


When I have done it (Antabusu must have known I was going to type this) (most times to help alts kill those 3 quest guys in Dragonblight) I have 2 windows open beside each other and I click each game window and hit a key to cast then switch and do it on the other window. Nothing at all doing a keystroke to control both games. But my eyesight isn’t so good anymore and I can’t really see whats going on on the screen so don’t even bother doing it mush anymore. Its easier to get help on a second computer with a person playing.


Honestly that’s fair, I usually alt tab if I do it, if I’m not just having my alt on auto follow. Sorry about your vision bud, that sucks, I definitely get needing to do it that way.

Multiboxing isn’t against the rules…but that is.

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Not if it is his underage brother - family allowed :wink: