Can I do personal orders for myself cross Server/Faction?

Evening team.
I have a Dwarf on the Server Proudmoore (Alliance)
I have a Blacksmith on the server Illidian (Horde).

Can I send a work order from my Dwarf (Alliance) to be completed by my (Horde) Alt on another server?

I remember I couldn’t do this during season 1 of War Within but the option is there now but I don’t know if that’s a default interface or if I can finally do it now.

Put both character in same guild and make guild order. You cant send order directly.

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That seems like a good work around, thank you.

I regularly do cross faction cross server orders for my crafting treatise, as my incriptionist is horde on doomhammer and my leatherworker is alliance on baelgun. (and not in the same guild) I have been doing it since the orders process was put in with DF. Those two are connected servers (from back when not all servers were) but I don’t think that matters.

Connected servers are… Connected, you can do WOs within them with no restrictions.