Can i disable the 'potentially offensive message' nonsense?

To be fair, I don’t need to. I disagreed with you and then you threatened to report me because I said “bugger off” to gain control over the conversation and make me back down. That’s pretty well the definition of a karen.


I do agree with you on that. We might not agree or at the very least debate what the current situation is while acknowledging we are powerless to change it.

A lot of people become overly tribalistic over the topic and try to tear each other down rather then move forward towards a compromise.

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yep and i am back with my food:

just went to subway. also why we talking about deleted posts now?
oh i see.

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welp, karens are working on it. chipping away at my posts here one by one. think i’ve had four deleted for ‘trolling’. because, clearly, stating my opinion and reasoning for it is mere ‘trolling’.

which further proves my point. normalizing silencing opinions you disagree with makes the general populace far more willing to engage in behaviours we once accepted were wrong. kinda reminiscent of some historical events we learned little from, for that matter.


They are a rule lawyer and I don’t mean that as an insult… screaming karen all the time doesn’t make you pro expression it just shows you want control.

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i want control? i want the OPPOSITE of that. im an anti authoritarian. every one of my philosophies and stances are in line with that ideal.

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Was your post turned grey by the forum software because it was flagged (takes 3-5 flags) or was it actually DELETED by a forum moderator? They are two very different things.

Further, if what you are doing is insulting others, then that is not ok. Not when people do it to you, and not when you do it to others.

Telling people to be civil about how they express their thoughts is not censorship. Neither is reminding them that this forum is for WoW, not politics or social issues.

I am honestly shocked this thread is still here. The whole thing is pretty much against the forum rules. The mods have been very very very lenient with you today which is the opposite of censorship or oppression.

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bro how many times have you called someone weird in this thread lmao. sounds like you just want an ultra safe space environment. people who want to be more relaxed isn’t what I would call weird


well, to be fair i was pretty out of line when i said i wasnt 6 years old.

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While I sympathize with you… what you are doing right now is the equivalent of selling them rope. Though this warning is more for them.


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If this thread gets 404’d, it seems like the kind of thread that’s gonna get a part 2 along the lines of “they silenced me because they didn’t like what I was saying!”


I am going to remind you that you said this about someone else but it rings true here. The game and forum rules are pretty clearly stated and have not changed to speak of in 20 years.

oh, there was a section in there about not saying you arent 6 years old? i must have missed that part. my mistake.

okay? not sure why you stalked my history to post something not relevant

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Jarddy, I was replying to Norightor, not to you.

Did the forums say it was a reply to you? If so I am sorry that certainly was not the intent and is the forum software doing forum software things.

The relevance is that you have previously noted that terms and rules are set down pretty clearly then people seem to get upset about them. You were commenting that someone wanted an ultra safe space - when what they were doing was supporting the basic rules we agreed to. You know, those things you supported.

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i read your comment as an inference i was ignorant of the tos. if that wasnt your meaning then i apologize for misunderstanding it.

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It is a little obnoxious.

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Ah yes, how adult to bootlick people demonizing a linguistic feature that is universal to all languages.