Woops. I just copied the quote from your response. It wasn’t meant as a reply to you. XD
The church used to ban commoners from reading the bible at all.
edit: Looking this up it was kind of true. It was more protected from translating non catholic or “heretical” texts essentially meaning they were the only source allowed to translate.
I don’t think you can guarantee anything if you can’t even spell it lol.
Those journals are from mental health professionals not surgeons or anyone else trying to profit off of them. These are long term studies about the issue that go back decades. So before you go playing the victim go read them for yourself. The victimhood is strong with you, I guess you are oppressed as well.
You’ve already demonstrated enough in this thread.
I work in mental health. What you are saying is either entirely incorrect, strawman arguments or pure nonsense. Your behavior is not caring, and it’s not even considerate.
We have a pretty good idea.
the only reason the topic was brought up was to serve as an example of just how out of hand censorship has become. when dissent cannot exist, neither can the truth.
regardless, im not interested in being baited into actually trying to explain myself because on this topic truth is taboo, and any responses would be used to silence me entirely. which to you lot is better than defeating an actual argument. if im not already on the chopping block.
suffice to say, it is demonstrating my point that censorship in all forms should be rejected by society. and those who embrace it are a threat to the same.
It is not censorship to provide experts and evidence. It only feels that way because you have none of your own.
The topic is not taboo. There are decades worth of research on it.
You were welcomed to discuss when you came with evidence to support your disagreement with years of experts and studies.
What you want is people to discredit experts and trust you with no credentials or support for your claim at all.
You are pivoting because you are dead wrong and are trying to get out of it by saying “Oh you cant because my opinion isnt acceptable”. Claiming you have the truth with nothing but “trust me bro” to back you up.
You got called out for saying something bigoted and completely uneducated. As we have been saying this entire thread, it is very clear what it is you want to be saying but the game warns people about. You will find no sympathy here.
It seems you do agree, though.
The church or govt hasn’t had an uptick in censorship
Exactly. In fact, they seem more against censorship than before. Flip.
the censorship that has grown, is typically about targeting bigotry, slurs, threats. which I feel you are saying is ok to censor. generally speaking.
Precisely. Us progressives have started embracing censorship in an attempt to protect our more vulnerable community members. Flop.
My point entirely.
I find it weird and astonishing. It’s fine if you don’t, maybe you are more hip to the modern times than I am.
You arent playing any relevant content in the game if you’re experiencing the vote kick system.
But that’s just the opinion of someone who plays more than LFR and LFD. That’s literally the only places where the vote kick system exists. If you are playing with people who are hard stuck in Normal/heroic/M0 dungeons and LFR, you don’t need to be concerned with them in general. It’s not like they are going anywhere else.
As for smack talk, there is a difference between calling out a bad thing you did, like a random lust with no enemies are around, or you standing in bad for x amount of seconds until you die, or butt-pulling a bunch of mobs, or afking randomly in a dungeon and causing yourself or someone else to die because of it…
…and just going “youre so bad you should quit the game you’ll never amount to anything”
Those two scenarios aren’t remotely the same.
Truth is taboo, more than you know or realize. But you keep playing the victim card.
i was gonna post links to numerous studies showing a marked increase in suicide rates post op. but i cant post links. and frankly, this conversation has already been derailed plenty far from the actual topic. im not pivoting on anything. i have the science, even if i cant share it… but you can google it yourself.
either way, the topic is censorship, and us players being treated like this game is a day-care.
Wasn’t your initial post that you didn’t want to be protected from “naughty words”? How does that equate to not being able to “say your truth”? I feel like this topic got derailed into politics for zero reason when politics has no basis in what you initially brought up.
i brought up as an example a topic people are not allowed to contest, and some people here latched on to that rather than the actual message i was trying to convey. and i let myself get sucked into it. which was a mistake on my part.
You wouldn’t last 2 seconds in the old quake lobbies back in the 90’s.
this isnt the quake lobby though. also why is this still going on.
You are welcome to provide peer reviewed studies that contest the assertion.
It won’t show what he wants it to.
“This increased risk has been attributed, in part, to the high rates of discrimination and violence transgender individuals experience”
I do find the results of this study to be quite alarming. Just the percentage differences in those charts is astounding.
They were driving school policy, laws, and led to the creation of the Ratings boards we have today. Those “self regulation rating boards” exist because of those right wing “karens”. So do the labeling laws.
Do you think that maybe using an ageist, sexist, racist slur is appropriate for someone with green text? Karen is a slur only used against middle aged and older white women who do not conform to society’s expectation that women remain docile, compliant, and quiet. Esp older women.
As someone sporting a handmaid’s outfit on your toon in what I’m assuming is a protest against the recent election results surely you would agree?
BAHAHAHAHAHA. Okay that was kinda funny – I’m hoping you meant that as total sarcasm.
because oversensitive snowflakes lmao. gotta push that toxic positivity!