Words on a screen are not equal to real life slavery my guy
You’ve already literally admitted to trolling for entertainment.
Nothing you say is worth taking seriously.
I don’t take people seriously by default. That is hardly trolling.
yeah you have been honest about your desire to say slurs, i’ll give you that much
I can think of a bunch of bad things from that time period.
Forum likes are not a currency you can spend on breaking the rules.
Speaking of slurs…how about we count how many times certain folks used the word “bigot?” Thankfully, your freedom of speech protects you.
bigot is not a slur
you really aren’t good with definitions eh
be my guest. nobody else cares since it’s not a slur or even a bad word of any kind, but if that makes you feel satisfied, go nuts!
My desire is to go back to they days when chat was much less regulated and people didn’t care as much about words on a screen. I know it won’t happen, but a person can dream.
Care to give an example of what you could say in the 90s but not say now?
right, so you can say the slurs. we’re caught up now. i get it.
Not just slurs. There are so many other fun words that are banned now.
Edited my post instead of just replying to you, MB.
Not what I said at all. What I replied to stated it
You weren’t free to use it back then. It just wasnt enforced. The best example for America that is relative in the real world was Slavery. It’s never morally or ethically okay to enslave another person ever, yet if the majority of one class or race deems it so, it’s done.
If the people in power that could enforce anti slavery measures wanted to enforce said measures, we wouldn’t have it. Plain and simple.
When the people that wanted to not have slavery outweighed the people who wanted to have slavery, and then beat them in a war over it, it was outlawed in every way except the one way people would accept, prison. (which is still wrong but that’s a case-by-case basis thing)
The relevance here is: If companies wanted to enforce the rules they had for social interaction in the 90s-2000s, they would have. But they didn’t, so it wasn’t. Even in WoW, there were PLENTY of things you could say in 2004-2008 that gets you a ban now.
Why? the rules haven’t changed. The people enforcing them have. The general public, who likely also wasn’t reporting said behavior nearly as much (or participating in it themselves) has changed. Some measures are VASTLY heavy handed. Since Vulkova refuses to give an example, I will:
Telling someone to do better, and often times how to do better, in organized content when they are vastly underperforming isn’t worth a report.
Telling someone to quit the game if they can’t do better or that they should unalive themselves, however, is.
In a game like hots: asking someone why they never come to an objective or why they’re laning all game and playing like an idiot, is not worth a report.
Expletively crashing out on them or calling them a slur, however, is worth a report.
Who’s complaining about it now? The people who still want to participate in said behavior and the people who are indifferent because it doesn’t affect them.
Considering they ignored you to reply to who was under you, nah. I bet they won’t.
Ah the good old days.
I am genuinely curious what non slur is now banned
The forums won’t let me post them
I’ve asked it several times now. At this point its wasted effort. They have said they want slurs back. We know they’re the exact kind of person these rules were designed for.
I am genuinely happy knowing someones fun is diminished because of it.
Society has moved past you.