Can i disable fade map while moving?

hi, just returned after a few months and my map now fades automatically while moving and its utterly infuriating, not only because the option to disable this has been removed, but because i’ve tried 2 console commands and the addon for old blizzard interface options but none of this has worked.
is there a way to disable this auto fade nonsense? it’s driving me nuts…

/console mapFade 0

Note that it’s a character-specific cvar, you would have to set it on each toon


ok so why doesn’t it work on the character i’m playing right now?


If you can’t find nothing to work, if you open after you are already moving it won’t fade. At least mine doesn’t.

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If you’re running ElvUI you need to disable it under /ec > Maps > Fade Map


that works, thank you.

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Thank you! I’ve been searching everywhere! I didn’t even think of ElvUI.

What is the command in 2024?

It’s the same.