Can I complete the Legion story without the Illidan questline?

What it says on the tin.

The Illidan questline requires I complete a raid where the first boss/es need two player to separate them or they just keep healing each other so I, as a solo player, am unable to do it.

So should I go forward with the main storyline or will it be gated by the Illidan questline?

(I must say a lot of people raved about this expansion but what I have found is what is good is excellent but what is bad is horrible; there is no middle ground.)


It depends.

What Legion storyline are you trying to complete exactly?

IIRC, the Illidan questline is it’s own thing and isn’t a pre-requisite for any other storyline quests in Legion.

The one where the Legion is defeated.

I assume, although I could be wrong, it is the one featuring Khadgar.

I went to do it last night but then he (Khadgar) mentioned a final push involving Broken Shores so I thought I should complete everything else first, got as far as the raid in Illidan’s questline, gave up and went to bed. Unfortunately it did not go away in the night so I am stuck.

I assume you are referring to the Broken Shore storyline?

If so, you’ll need to complete your class hall campaign in order to proceed with the quests there.

There is one part of the Broken Shore storyline where you get a new follower for your Order Hall and you have to have the initial campaign for it completed in order to get to that step.


Are you referring to the trial of valor? If so, it’s soloable, just takes a decent speed boost and good timing.

It sounds like you’re up to the Trial of Valor raid quest for Illidan’s story? I don’t think it blocks any further progress, as it’s towards the end of the chain, and Illidan will still show up for the next parts of the campaign even if you personally don’t get his soul.

Still, the raid is soloable with patience. (I did it back in BfA.) To keep them from healing, you have to get them both down to whatever their “defeat” percentage is at the same time — they only cast the heal when one of them is defeated. (I think it’s 20 or 25%.) To get around the damage reduction debuff when they’re close together, kite them around and that will separate them briefly when one stops to cast. Just don’t knock one down low enough to start the heal cast. (Or if you do, be ready to quickly pull the other one far enough away and blast them down before the cast finishes.)

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How are you not able to one shot them? Very easy to solo.

Done. Yesterday, I think.

But thank you for the info anyway.

Do I get to keep this one, as in I can have six followers?

Or do I have to pay $250g to get rid of him too? (Do I sound bitter or what? :grin: )

Thank goodness!

Thank you.

I will try that.

Come to think of it, I am on a hunter, so you know if my cat can tank one of them? Or if there an animal that can?

Already tried it three times for another quest and cannot one shot them.

I am on a level 59 MM hunter.

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This is no longer a prerequisite. After you reach 45, you can complete the quest Uniting the Isles and meet Khadgar on Krasus’s Landing to start the Broken Shore.

Yes, but part of the Broken Shore chain does involve going back to your class hall and getting a new follower.

And if I’m not mistaken, you need to have completed your order hall campaign in order to do that.

Unless the OP is trying to just start the Broken Shore storyline then yes, all you need to do is go to Krasus’ Landing and talk to Khadgar.

Pretty sure you’d have to get rid of 1 follower.

Oh, that’s why he’s been bugging me forever!

My hunter was plotting ways to take him out just to get him to shut up.

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(This is Silverleigh, site would not let me post again as her so I am using the hunter I used in the fight.)

Did it!!!

It took two tries of constantly moving and shooting, I definitely needed my cat and I am not actually sure how as I didn’t see what happened with their meters…

But I did it!

Then Helya got stuck on stage two and I had to die, leave and exit to reload and then she was as easy as pie!

Thank you so much!

I hate leaving things undone.


Grats! I’m fairly certain everything but the mythic raids can be solod. The mythic zeros are also doable for the balance of… thingy questlines.