Can I be permanently in Entropic Embrace?

i’m a void elf, not avoid elf, let me be void all the time :3


That would be cool to have a skintone like that, but then they’d have to put a new effect on Entropic Embrace. They won’t spend the time. They won’t even give us a glyph for old Shadowform. And that’s already in the game.

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If you’re permanently voided, you get corrupted naru wings for the entropic proc c:

or idk those spectral void tendrils void revenants get (like xhul’horac in hellfire)

Step 1: Activate Shadow specialization.
Step 2: Cast Shadowform.


Void and shadow has been interchangable terms since well at least around Wrath or so.

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They weren’t interchangeable until Legion. And it’s annoying, because they’re not.


they really aren’t

its like saying sunfire and holy fire are the same because they’re really hot

That’s not the best analogy, as Sunfire is Nature and Holy Fire is Light.

But Shadow was always the edges of things. Priests would touch the shadows, but never dare venture further, lest they become engulfed by the madness of the Void.

Even the cosmic chart shows Shadow separate before delving into the Void.

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I’d prefer removing the visual aspect of the proc entirely.

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i’d get stuck in it quite often, be stuck purple elf for a while after proc i mean
it was just a graphical error on my end i think

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i sense a fierce fight on the horizon.

im completely fine with this too :3
it should be an option!

Hopefully, it’s something we can a-void.


I am VERY disappointed. now what will i do with all these unsold tickets?

I did not sanction any sales of tickets, Off to the Gaol with you, elf.

I am NOT your subject. I AM THE WARQUEEN OF THE SIN’DOREI! YOU will bow before me!

All forced transformations should be, but for some reason western game devs don’t get this.

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It says here you run the muffin shop… by the Queen’s decree I enforce crippling tariffs to all imports of yeast