Can Goldrinn-US become a connected realm?

I would like to suggest that Goldrinn becomes a connected realm. If this is not the right place to request, please tell me where to ask for this.

The reason I am requesting is because the AH is a real issue there. I have enough soul ash to craft Rank 4 (235) legendary, but no one crafts the vessel in my realm. I even took the time to whisper to most of the LW selling stuff in the AH.

Also if we can trust wowprogress they say the server only have 1429 Alliance and 534 Horde. (I am alliance btw).

I did transfer my characters there when you lauched WoW in Brazil because I couldnt at the time have all my characters on the same server. I do have 12 alliance characters at lv 50 and above (the same for horde on another server, Azralon). If I was to transfer these characters because of realm pop it would be really costly.

Can Blizzard help in anyway?


Iā€™m sorry, but this forum has no input on game changes. Hopefully you can move this to the General discussion forum. Nor can the forum posters offer insight into what connections might be considered, nor give a time line on possible connections for the future. Keep in mind, third party information might not be fully reliable, and Blizzard uses itā€™s own internal data.


I am thankful for your answer. I hope that since it is called ā€œcustomer supportā€ someone reads it and pass along the request to whoever makes such decisions.

For this purpose, the CS forum is a place where players can seek help navigating the support system, or discuss issues. Thereā€™s no one better than you to forward this to development than yourself. Editing the post should allow you to move it, general discussion is a good place for feedback.


Nobody here will do this. This is Customer Support, a forum for players to assist other players. It is not Customer Service. There are no Devs, GMs or QAs that look at this forum. Our Blues are lovely and helpful folks, but their job is limited to offering advice and insight, much like an info desk. Messages are not ā€˜passed alongā€™. Your suggestion will have to sent through either the General Discussion forum or through the in-game suggestion tool to be seen by the proper folks.

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That is not a function of this forum. This forum serves as an Information Desk to help people navigate the support system, explain policies, explain services, etc. There are no GMs here and the Forum Support Agents do not serve as a liason to the Devs.

The Support site does have an article about how to submit Suggestions for WoW though.

Specifically it says to use the Community forums (which are not the same as the Support section of the forums). Those are monitored by Community managers who DO pass on feedback.


I wouldnā€™t be in a hurry to become a connected realm. The last attempt to connect realms, just prior to the launch of ShadowLands was a disaster.
There are still quite a few players who cannot play their characters as a result of the connection and there is no known fix date.

Considering the number of support tickets generated by the last set of connections, I wouldnā€™t expect to see the connected realm program return until the current volume of Shadowlands support tickets goes down quite a bit.


Thanks for the awesome feedback! You are all great people!

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