Can frost please just remain solid for one fkin raid

I swear to god I’ve been waiting 10 years for frost to just be VIABLE in a raid. Please don’t over nerf and make me play unholy for the millionth time :frowning:


It seems Blizz has a hard time making Frost DK good even for 1 season.

I really think they will screw Frost DK early.


Exactly. /10chars

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I agree.

The 2.5% nerf completely gutted the spec!
Will no longer be viable.

Better dust off that boomkin.


Completely agree with you, but blizzard hates DK’s in general they want mages to be broken OP like they have been every expansion since forever ago.


The only people this 2-3% nerf matters to are too busy gearing their 4th dk to comment on forums
Enjoy the game, Frost is still strong!


Nighthold. Antorus. Uldir. Eternal Palace. Sepulcher.

5 different tiers over 3 expansions where Frost was competitive and better than Unholy.

If you’ve been waiting for 10 years then you haven’t been paying attention much.


We don’t know that for sure how strong they are gonna be when it comes to live because Blizz reverting their minor buffs they received from DF season 2-4. So, lets hope they are strong and keep that spec viable because playing unholy is so boring

We do actually know. Frost is going to be fine. Don’t listen to these grey parsing ATOC rats crying the sky is falling because they don’t understand math and use random tier lists to inform their mouthbreath opinions.


Man, I hope so tbh. I’ve been wanting frost shine for once

No. Frost is a 2 button spam spec. It should never be top on anything.

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So redesign it.

i can get behind this. It really needs one.

I’d say that about 90% of this post has anti DK forum trolls in it.
For all the folks just parroting what the hear about this so called 2% nerf. I have a question for you… If for argument’s sake, that over 50% of your overall damage comes from Frost Strike and Obliterate and BOTH those abilities get nerfed for 6% damage (not counting the other nerfs both in beta and current, people still thinking FDK is what it was originally OP in beta) How does that equal out to a 2% nerf ?

Wow, just wow.

Stop being parrots.


6% of 50% of your damage is 1.5%. The remaining 0.5-2% comes from the rest of the nerfs.


Don’t show the LFR rats math, they’ll say you’re trolling.

almost every patch has a Frost DK nerf ffs

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