Would love to see this implemented, pretty please!
Are you saying you want to be able to mog offhands into fist weapons, or are there old offhand weapons that you want the mog for that you’re saying you can’t loot?
I want to at least be able to mog offhands. Currently, we’re only able to mog them as focus only. Can’t mog them as anything else.
To be able to get off hand fist weapons, evokers must be given the dual wield passive, and I don’t see that happening.
honestly have never understood why druids and now evokers weren’t given the option for dw fist weps.
it makes sense for feral.
Because as I said above, to be able to wield fist weapons in the off hand (since main/off hand melee weapons haven’t existed for a long time since everything was moved to one hand), these classes would need to be given the dual wield passive. And that doesn’t stop at fist weapons. That passive is what lets classes equip one handed melee weapons in the off hand, and evokers aren’t getting it.
An edit: looking into the spellbook shows the dual wield passive is now rolled into the weapon skills passive, but it’s really just a visual change and not a functional one. Allowing dual wielding means that any weapon that can be equipped in the main hand, would then also be able to be equipped in the off hand. Which for evoker would mean swords, daggers, fist weapons, maces and axes. Since two handed weapons have only 50% more stats than one handers, allowing dual wield intellect weapons is not going to happen. Hence why no caster has the dual wield trait.