Can Enhancement Shamans tank?

I have my trusty shield with rockbiter weapon enchant and earthshock in my utility belt, did some dungeons and did some decent tanking (I didn’t use taunting totem).

I am wondering if they are still good in tanking later on in game, please tell me your knowledge!

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They sure do, go show those Guardian Druids and Protection Warriors who is real boss!

“Good” is an interesting question.

If you are the GM of a guild, and are able to recruit and maintain raid rosters, then you’ll have an easier time finding out than if not.

Someone posted tanking some trash in MC a few months ago, but I can’t seem to find the thread.

There’s also:



guess i’ll move into retail, chain lightning and throwing away my alchemy later on hurts my soul!

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Yes, shaman can tank raids and dungeons. They are 100% effort based and can perform better than most people think.

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Shaman tanking Patchwerk