Can Dracthyr please choose other races for their Visage?

I would love to take on the Visage of either a Nightborne or a Dark Iron Dwarf. They’re the only races I want to play, but don’t quite suit any of my existing classes than the races they already are.


Not for a very long time. Other races need customization love first.


That shouldn’t matter? I would simply add an option somewhere to change your Visage to one of the existing other races. Doesn’t seem like it would be much work.


I’ve long found it a bit odd just how limited the Visage forms are. At the very least, it would’ve made more since to make them faction specific; a reflection of their most immediate exposure to other races perhaps, but I digress.

On a related note, that questline with Emberthal was an ideal opportunity to open choices up. It certainly would’ve been a more thematically appropriate reward than custom personal tabards, given the narrative and its themes.


I think it’s just a can of worms.

If they had full transmog support, I could see them not having access to Visages. But since they do have Visages, it doesn’t make sense to artificially limit them to races and genders they have no real connection with.

I still hold that having a small dragon-form for combat would be the ideal scenario (no need to add transmog then), but either way, adding new race options for your Visage is such an obvious no-brainer.


I would love to finally choose my visage, I don’t want to be an elf. >:( Doesn’t even need fancy options, just let me choose what a race has.


The Dracthyr aren’t Dragons, so I’m not sure if they can even have different Visage-forms.

It’s either one or the other; either they have magic to take on a Visage, or they don’t.


We see Emberthal have a visage day, the day in which all dragons choose their visage or choose not to have one in Emberthals case.

And Dracthyr ARE dragons, just not traditional dragons, in lore they are apart of the DRAGONKIN label, kinda like all bears regardless of their species are considered to just be BEARS.

I would like to not have my dracthyr ever appear in visage again.


I’m pretty sure the current “visage” forms are modified versions of existing races with dracthyr features.

In order to provide additional races they will have to create these features for every race.

Seeing as how long it takes just to get a new hair color option for a single race, I don’t see this happening, ever.


Dracthyr are going to be other classes in War Within and you can stay in visage form. I think other races shouldn’t happen considering the only reason people would play say a dracthyr warrior so they can race change for free even if it’s just a visage form.

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The whole situation is getting very, very weird. The whole point of the Dracthyr was being a “playable dragon”, which is why they were locked to a single race-class hybrid. Opening them up to other classes is going to present some very strange issues.

I mean, the race still doesn’t allow transmogging. So you’re going to have an entire race that is literally indistinguishable, regardless of class or armor type. And if you want to just play in your Visage, then I question why anyone would even be playing a Dracthyr for any other class, unless it’s for overpowered racials or the double-jump.

Which leads exactly to the point you raise; the Dracthyr is now going to have to be designed around those other classes, which will wind up limiting them even further.

The double-jump/glide function is simply too powerful, so I could easily see them nerfing it in some way, if not removing it entirely. As you say, Blizzard isn’t going to want to lose out on that race-change money, which means Evokers will be locked into their BE male and Human female forms, as the only class without other options (and if you allow other races to become Evokers, then you’re really just gutting the entire fantasy for little more than a “battle-mage”).

The whole thing is just an enormous mess.


I will never stop whining about how LFD have more customizations than draenei (couldn’t they just combine them?!?!)

How’d they get broken horns before us! How did Blizzard make all those scars for night elves and not go, "Hey, actually most of our races have undergone historically significant, traumatizing events…and oh, yeah! They’re all available to the player who is constantly, literally always fighting.

…And no more buns for humans? No beards for trolls?

Blizzard. :pray: Please.

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Yeaaaah. The class is so fun, the race just…does not do it for me. I was really upset to hear the new class and race would be tied together, and I haven’t grown used to it with time. :woman_shrugging:

Absolutely not. Get in line wannabe dragons.

Druids are first in line. :stuck_out_tongue:

Yes. It should. Dracthyr have the most customization of any race.

And those races need the Dracthyr customizations. If you’re advocating for laziness on the visage form, then that’s a hard disagree from me.

Go play that race. You’re a Dracthyr and should have the Dracthyr customizations. Not a lazy slapped on race.


Usually I’d say one shouldn’t preclude the other, but let’s be honest, it always does. It’s why I can’t help but groan whenever I see a new allied race these days. Blizzard claimed they would trickle in new customizations over time, but it’s been years now and the only thing besides recolors we’ve gotten were body tattoos for night elves.

(Not to mention they’re apparently so tone deaf that they think players get excited about those recolors enough to justify putting it on a big “incoming features” banner. :roll_eyes:)

A lot of the AR need customizations and I think all races need face and body scars and tattoos, along with jewelry. Then there needs to be DK eye color options with and without flames, more hairstyle options for everyone, etc.

There’s a lot that other races need.


I still think adding more classes to Dracthyr is a stupid move. They should have just kept it locked together with Evoker and added Drakonid as a playable race like they’ve been hinting since before DF even dropped.

I wonder if something went wrong in the design for Drakonid and that’s why they pivoted. Because they were pretty firm in saying that Dracthyr wouldn’t get more classes and that draconic player options would be explored “in other ways” before this recent heel-turn.