I want to rolplay with a dwarf death knight and i Just want to know it.
I know in WoD there was a dwarf dk follower and the player meet him when he is drinking beer in a tabern.
I want to rolplay with a dwarf death knight and i Just want to know it.
I know in WoD there was a dwarf dk follower and the player meet him when he is drinking beer in a tabern.
Is there something about undeath that makes them gluten intolerant? I don’t see the problem
I guess it depends on the specific injuries the death knight suffered before dying, but generally speaking they should be able to. Whether they can actually taste the beer or get drunk from it is a different story.
I’m sure they can drink beer, whether or not they can actually get drunk from it is another matter.
I mean, all undead characters can eat and drink and gain restorative effects from that, but whether or not they can gain pleasure from it is unknown.
Do their digestive systems still function, or is the magic that sustains their undeath simply absorbing anything they eat? Who knows how much thought Blizzard has put into these small details of their setting.
But at the end of the day, these are your characters, you can do whatever you want and RP how you see fit.
They can’t. There’s a book in Acherus you can read during the DK intro that says while they can drink alcohol, it won’t effect them.
Well then, I guess there it is.
DKs only eat for utilitarian reasons. Makes sense though, being mostly dead and all.