Can Death Knights unlock heritage armor? - Wanting to start a DK Vulpera

I was really hoping to start a DK Vulpera, but there seems to be a lot of differing opinions on whether or not a DK can unlock a races heritage armor.

I know they will be able to in 9.0, given the fact that hero classes start at level 10, but I’d prefer not to wait another year to have my Vulpera DK.

If it’s not possible, it should be. It takes a matter of 2-3 hours to go from 20-58. That shouldn’t be the difference between unlocking or not after spending dozens of hours unlocking the race itself.

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From the Blog post:

Heritage Armor for Allied Races characters can be obtained by leveling to 110.


Yes, according to the Death Knight Allied Race and Pandaren Announcement you can unlock Heritage Armor by leveling the DK to 110 (assuming you don’t break the other requirements such as Boosting).


Excellent, thanks for the info :slight_smile:


I am boxing 4 DKs, each a different race. I have two questions. They are all RaF and using heritage gear, no level boost from RaF, just the RaF XP.

  1. They will all get the quest for they race gear at 110 correct?

  2. If after I compete the gear questlines, if I boost them to 120 (from 110,) seeing how I have the boost just sitting there. Will they then lose the race gear I obtained by leveling them?

Correct. The only things that disqualify Allied Races from getting their Heritage Armors are the following:

  • Using the Character Boost service
  • Purchasing a Faction Change or Race Change for that character

No, they will not lose access to it if they remain that race. Once earned, the Heritage Armor remains on your account & available to ALL characters of that specific race.

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Ok, thank you for the quick reply!

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You’re welcome.

what happens if you do a faction change for a pandaren?

In what context? Just trying to understand your end goal so as to provide the most accurate info.

There is no heritage armor for pandaran so you would end up with a character on the opposite faction.

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