Can Breath get knocked down to 1.5min cd please?

Is that so? I really should look deeper into tooltips.

And I also realized Hysteria lasted for 8 seconds rather than 15.

Anyway, lots of valid points you have! RIP Hysteria though. :L

I would’ve liked to see it and the execute Runeforge be relevant more often, but they both were either going to be strong enough to replace FC or too weak to compare to it, unfortunately. :confused:

I definitely ran sanguination at some point in the last 3 years. Honestly can’t remember which season it was, but DS damage was insane in keys. I think FC was still better overall for most aoe scenarios, but it was a decent contender for ST/cleave.

I tend to run Sanguin over FC just because I like the predictable consistency rather then praying to RNGesus. Is it objectively better, no, but predictability has its benefits.

That is really about the perfect description of how blood tank works.

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