Can Blizzard RID us of TWINKS?

Yes but they also have really high damage abilities that should have been broken up into multiple ranks, ( aimed shot and raptor strike in particular) which makes them even more faceroll then they ever needed to be.

ofc they can, but they won’t

Make a twink yourself.
Problem solved.

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Can Blizzard get rid of posters who dont know how to use paragraphs?


I see some guys twink out some meta classes like hunters and warlocks and in 40 pvp bracket people were doing like 150-200k damage was good but they were doing 400-500k damage it was pretty evident.
I’m not sure why you’d want to setup a player maxed out and kill guys leveling up. My thinking is that they just aren’t good enough to get over 2k+ rated so they drop down and killed guys leveling up

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What are we gonna do about max level (lvl60) twinks in random bgs that have BiS gear? This can’t go on any longer! It’s just not fun for the other players! /s

We’re currently trying to eradicate Classic posters on retail forums.

TIL I’m breaking the rules for getting good gear in a MMORPG :frowning:

xD? this is a meme right

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50’s are leveling up. you’re all in big big trouble.

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I am not going to do your homework for you, but they clearly stated that twinks queue against other twinks, not levelers.

Difference is once you get level 60 you DON’T LEVEL UP ANYMORE, so you can attain that same gear without leveling to the next bracket since leveling ends at level 60!

Like for real sometime I feel like I am explaining the difference to a two year old.

No you are breaking the rules by queueing against players you are not supposed to queue against, I don’t know why that is hard for you to comprehend. Blizzard made it where twinks can only go against other twinks in BGS, if you are queing against levelers then you are doing something to bypass that and YES that is against the rules!!!

I enjoy getting best gear in each bracket (I turn off xp while gearing) and playing through the bracket (along with WPvP). No exp debuff, but I’m normally stronger than the usual twink also.

Please tell me where I’m playing against players I shouldn’t be :slight_smile:

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Yes you do! But in order to do that you have to pause on gaining experience, while if another player tries that without pausing they will level into the next bracket. Thus you having an unfair advantage. I don’t for the life of me don’t understand how you don’t get this.

People that defend this are either in denial or fibbing so they can exploit something Blizzard implemented.

Stop with the bull jive amigo, if you are leveling like a normal player you are not beating a twink. It has nothing to do with skill, someone earlier mentioned they delete people with Raptor Strike and that is the only spell they use. Stop fibbing.

Lol, I get what you’re saying
 Just kinda laughing at the fact that you think it’s against the rules to use an official (and easily accessible) feature in game to get gear. Is it also against the rules to buy BiS gear off the AH?

If you want to say the slowed xp exploit is a problem, go right ahead. If you’re going to say it’s against the rules to use official features, I’m going to laugh at you :wink:

I am saying it is against the rules to exploit a bug if you are a twink to queue against regular players who are leveling and don’t have experience turned off. I don’t know how else to explain it to you?

Speaking of laughing, you said you can beat a twink, no you can’t!

I just said I play BGs with xp on. No debuf. No rules broken, friend

I absolutely can, I’m very sorry you find it impossible

You stated you are normally stronger than the usual twink, which if I take your word that you level like everyone else, means you are fibbing because in no way you are stronger than a twink.

Lol, what aren’t you understanding? I can get BiS (or very close) in every bracket within an hour (usually less) of joining a new bracket.