Can any one "git gud"?

Pretty much everyone has said what needs to be said. So yes, anyone can “Git Gud” just have to have the will to put forth the effort, the patience to practice.

If you are looking to improve then you will want to watch vids of the spec(s) you want to play. There are a lot of helpful videos people put together going over sooo much detail. You may need to change your style too which might suck at first but you will get used to it. ie. If you are a clicker then you might need to learn to use short cuts etc.

It is also all about rotations. The videos people will go over the optimal rotations and what to look for and when to use what on certain CDs and what addons to use to help along with weak auras which is awesome to have.

Even just learning some key things to improve you should be able to key higher m+ and do better in higher difficulty raids if that is what you want.

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Yes it just depends how much effort you put into getting “gud” a lot of people seem to complain but don’t put in much effort and wonder why they suck or they just assume because they are playing BiS spec for the class they main that they automatically will be good. Many variables to consider on why they are not doing well such as how long a fight lasts, movement during a fight, mechanics, etc.

played WoW for idk how many years off and on and when i started i sucked. didn’t even want to raid i would only do LFR and heroic dungeons and rest of the time just collecting/questing or doing dailies. got better over time, put in more effort.

people need to realize it takes not only time but effort. practice rotation, play around with talents if you want, farm BiS gear, learn why the rotation is the way it is, etc… it’s a learning process no different then anything else in life but of course some people just treat it like others should expect to know what they are doing and automatically be good . to me that is the hardest part. too much negativity and so people feel/get discouraged.

Yes. Absolutely. If you have a desire to play better, and are willing to put in the effort to do so, you can play better.

I’m down to help.

Yes. And there’s no time like the beginning of an expansion to begin learning. This is the best time to begin.

You will yes. Shad#1132 is my battletag. Add me and I’m totally down to help you where I can with learning, addons, whatever.


Yes, I was a complete noob in BFA now I do heroic and was once rated 70 in the world in terms of my spec in season 3 of slands.

Yup, but in my experience it happened when I stopped playing my army of alts and focused on a single character.

Also, I bound my mouse extra keys to the left side of action bar 2. That way I can easily swap abilities for each button.

Use your defensive abilities when you see the enemy casting a big hit. Use your self heal if you have one, add it to your rotation.

For god sake interrupt! With practice you will learn which spells need to be interrupted and which can be ignored.

But the most important thing is to have fun. Don’t get overwhelmed no matter what happens. What’s the worst that could happen? You have to run back…

You don’t really even need to git gud. You just need to make sure to no life the game when a new expansion hits so you can out ilvl the content with the rest of the pack. Then as long as you play at the beginning of each patch in the same manner you can do what you want in the game. If you ever fall behind you are screwed for the rest of the expansion. I AM KRUMTOILET!!!

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idk i never got gud.

to gitgud you have to treat the game like a job and do homework everyday. just stacking hours isnt enough.

kinda like chess i guess.

I think the first question is what is it you want to actually get good at?
You mentioned M+ and raiding, and a lot of that is just research.

Looking up how your class plays at a basic level on a website like Icy Veins, and copying what it says to do is usually plenty for even 20s.
Then just learning how the dungeons work, what mechanics happen when. That just happens as you play at lower difficulties, then you just work your way up.

Swapping off clicking does actually help a lot, but it does take time. And all you can do it just continually practice, working on moving a few abilities at a time to your mouse.
I personally just put my rotational abilities on mine and use keybinds on the keyboard for CDs or anything I’m not pressing every few second.

I’d also look into a learning community of some sort. There’s a number of them, and a good chunk of them are dedicated to groups that have a skilled player bringing in others to content and actually teaching them.

I usually toss people at Oasis, which I do work for from time to time:

We’ll have groups for normal mode and M+ in Dragonflight.

This is not true. Proper time management and knowing where to look for information and having a group of people absolutely means you can get good. All this does is deter a player seeking to become better because you didn’t go about it correctly.

No one has to treat this game like a job unless they’re streaming it and doing world first race stuff. For the regular player who wants to keybind, do some raiding on heroic and normal, and hit duelist in arena, this is not the case.

First you need to pay for a Raidbots membership

Then you need to sim all the talent builds while in your bis and see which gives you an advantage for single target or aoe in dungeons.

After this level about 5 different versions of the same class to try and get bis the fastest on one of them and switch to that one and just delete the others.

Always sim yourself for you best stat weights as you work towards your bis. Download the top weak auras and use that to help you perfect your rotation. Look up the best trinkets for your class and work towards getting those as well. After this try to do everything you can to improve your parse on warcraft logs to where you are the very best you can be by analyzing your rotation for every single fight and ask for help if you need it.

Eventually you’ll be parsing good enough for heroic and be good enough to do Mythic raiding. Also for Mythic plus have invis potions and memorize all the different routes as well as cc mobs that require it for fast completion.

I was a clicker too. Let me tell you, the 12 button mouse is a GOD SEND! Just add your combat abilities to the numbers and practice on combat dummies. Get the details addon so that you know what your damage output is. When you are ready to try a raid, get DBM as it gives you warnings of what is coming and what to do. Also an addon like Hekili for combat rotation. Check youtube for a good guide on proper setup for your class and spec. Don’t forget food, flasks, oils and runes for stat increases.

Also don’t be afraid of meeting others and joining a good guild. Some are more casual than others, but you can pick up a lot.

Most of the PvE content requires encounter specific experience. And then additional general experience with things like affixes. Playing your spec requires practice and external research.

This is a problem late in an expansion for new players because they are way behind. But there’s not a good solution to this. Like if you come into a FPS 6 months after launch, you wont know the maps or tacticts and you’ll be at an extreme disadvantage for while. Just the way it is.

But you’ll probably learn quicker because you’ll be picking up on all that prior experience from other players immediately.

I got the vaccine just so I would not git it.

It’s an MMO. Skill plays a factor, sure, but it’s knowledge and a bit of research that gives you that edge to slap the meters. It’s math after all.

PvP… skill and reaction time play a larger role, but PvE, knowing your class and the content is more important.

Just practice, grind, keep at it… You will acquire plenty of both in no time. Especially if it’s just rust you’re shaking off.

Don’t feel like you have to go to ‘elite’ content and work your tail til it falls off so you can call yourself a “real gamer/WoW player” [What does this even mean?]. Because honestly the reality of it is working your way up there to be with all the “ultra mega buff Chads at the gym” and that’s really it.

But if you’re fine with this and this is something you want and fully have ambitions to reach towards, than this changes the story and I am all for rooting you on.

So I’ll start with the most basic darn thing I wished I had known years ago when I first started getting into Dungeons and Raiding:

Every Dungeon and Raid has a tier.
You see this often as Normal->Heoric->Mythic->Mythic+ [Exception for raids is that LFR (Looking For Raid) counts as a tier, positioned behind Normal].

As you move up the tiers, the ilvl of dropped gear goes up. Going into this content you want to start with running the lowest tier [LFR or Dungeon Finder] and reasonably maxing out your total ilvl with the ilvl that drops in that tier before moving onto the next tier [like Normal if you were doing LFR for example] and doing the same again and gradually moving your way up the ladder.

These drops are your bread and butter. Consider potions and enchantments when working with difficult content, this is especially with doing higher Dungeons and Raid tiers. As far as I’m aware there will be no Legendaries going into Dragonflight, so they’re not mentioned here.

And that’s the most basic “quick beginner’s guide” I can give you.

Don’t overwhelm yourself with binds at the beginning :slight_smile: ease into it.

You’ll find players encouraging you here to try various methods and sound very welcoming. But the truth is, you will constantly run into toxic people who will kick you in the actual game.

Really, the solution is to add solo content as the main route for the best gear in the game.

Stay positive! It will assist you in staying motivated.

Focus on any improvements no matter how minor those might seem relative to the frustration along the way.

Yes people can git gud, but a lot of players choose not to.