Can alliance keep 400 iLvL PvP reward for good?

It’s been like what? 1 week? just 1 week since the 400 iLvL pvp reward happened and already I am hearing it getting nerfed to 385…
I mean come on! Why give something then take it away so soon?

There are way too many horde players like 99% of them abusing the warmode system to farm WQs with extra warmode bonuses when most of them have little or no interest in PvP at all.
Already, there are far more horde players than the alliance and far more horde players with the warmode, and nerfing the reward to 385 won’t do it! Even the daily reward now gives 385 gears so why once a week pvp quest only for 385 gear?

Trust me blizzard! Keep the 400 iLvL reward! The horde is nothing but crybabies! Only 1 week for them but it’s been 6 months for us until most of the alliance decided to turn off the warmode.
Keep the 400 iLvL reward to balance the PvP numbers! Wasn’t that the reason for introducing it?


Delicious Alliance tears. A free gear handout isn’t enough to balance the scales for you? WAHHHHHH, the Horde are meanies! We need incentives to PVP, unlike them. They just PVP for fun, what plebs.


Im all for you keeping the gear. If thats what it takes for you Alliance cowards to turn warmode on then im all for it! I love melting alliance with my lava that think they are ready for warmode just because their experience buff helps them.


If horde doesn’t turn warmode off, then we will keep both the buff and gear for good :+1:

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Its okay no need to cry.

LOL FOR WHAT? Alliance players dont raid, Alliance players dont do mythic plus. You literally spend $15 a month to kill horde players at flight paths. Gear doesn’t mean anything if you don’t actually use it. LOL! This guy here thinks gear means something when you have no content. LOL!

Look at my profile:

8/8M Ghuun killed before new season. CHECK!
All Mythic Plus in 15’s for Season 1 done in time before new season. CHECK!
All Mythic Plus in 10’s for SEASON 2 ALREADY done in time. CHECK!
9/9H Ahead of the Curve Jaine kill first week. CHECK!

Oh, you have nothing done. Sounds like you’re playing alliance.


Of course the alliance is going to beg for more free 400 ilvl gear… :roll_eyes:


Yeah my armory is the reason why we have 30% buff and a quest…ok :rofl::rofl:


Please tell me how Horde getting a 10% bonus to AP/gold/resources with little threat from Alliance (even though they could turn WM on as well and get the same bonus) is equitable to Alliance only getting Heroic ilvl gear for farming flight path locations on week 1 of a new raid?


they should hotfix all 400s that went out to 385 too

should of never gotten free heroic loot day 1 of new raid


It’s like the opening of a new restaurant, you show your very best at the grand opening for rave reviews then slowly reduce the quality and jack up the price riding on those awesome reviews!

“Hurr durr I has CE”

Lol cant even get orange parses :joy::rofl::joy::rofl::joy: you play a DH. I rerolled to something I’ve played legit a month and still parse better then you :joy::rofl::joy::rofl::joy:

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Put. The game. Down.

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This has to be the most obvious bait thread I’ve ever seen and you fell for it.

Good job.

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You can keep it as long as it is fair and we get it too. Isn’t that what this is all about, to try and make the game fair?

They’ll probably raise it back up to 400 after 8.1.5 comes out

I think they should raise the reward to 450. I mean why not .

Plus the 450 loot must be an Azerite piece which has 7 traits in them … because you remember how Horde got 340 gear from WF for 2 days ?


Seriously what the heck
lets just give people top quality gear for doing nothing at all…

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Man, I wish I had your motivation to play. I’m so burnt out on WoW right now.

Prior to the quest most Horde solo quested and if they got attacked pretty solid chance they would have back up as it happened to me a lot when an Alliance would try to gank me.

On the other side now I see Horde rolling 3-4 deep on WQ now. Horde still has numbers but Alliance are solid camping flight points lol