Can a tauren breed with a gnome?

What about the reverse? Male gnome female bovine? I think the gnome would get lost real quick

Where do you think the undead came from? /Sharpensdaggers

Of course! What exactly did you think the gnomish embiggifier was for??


What if the Gnome is lactose intolerant?


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Well now, engineering has perks

Depends on which one is the guy.

Maybe there is 2 man or 2 woman, who knows!

I feel like itā€™d be the amputation and disabled fetishists whoā€™d latch onto Mechagnomes. Mostly because the mecha quality is pretty bad. It would have been better if you could chose to do the one handed cyborg thing or the peg leg of the future. As it is it actually takes more customization away than it gives back. Because diaper armour isnā€™t worth those clunky steampunk hands and legs.

For this specific hypothetical, it matters.

Atm in lore we have.


Children hybrids. Other cross species relationships exist scattered about. But no kids. And even scattered same sex relations.

We also know the oldest species of azeroth are trolls which eventually became elves.

And harpies can reproduce with any male.

You also have the 2 taurens (male and female) and the human paladin in Legion.
(There was a quest and lootable book)

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Iā€™d say Trolls and Elves and Elves and Elves can probably reproduceā€¦I doubt they would though. At least not outside of whatever fanfiction OC couples people have since Blizzard prefers that elves and trolls and elves and elves hate each other.

I dont care for them myself. But you know someone out there will rule 34 them hard at some point.

Probably but I suspect that will say more about that persons tastes than their universal sex appeal.

That is true

Well when you both look like humans disguised as ninjas on Hallowā€™s End and have had to much to drinkā€¦yes.

Since elves came from trolls children are possible. Though i doubt an elf would willingly want to have snu snu with a troll in most cases.

But since belfs and the amani where at war for centuries. Well trolls probably violalated any female belf captives in war.

Trolls do eat other humanoids. Plus from the lore i read trolls ofyen have multiple wives and use them for social standing and trade. Exotic non troll wives are very valuable.

No hate just putting out the knoeledge.

We do have the whole steamy tomance novels dcattered about the game.

True but if itā€™s rpe between species I doubt they would have kept any of the childrenā€¦probably ate/sacrificed them. Same for any rpe that happened in the opposite direction although I find it hard to picture a small belf of either gender doing that because they seem like theyā€™d have less strength than a Troll. Plus less sacrifice/cannibalism and more exposure to the elements/drowning/magic abortion.

A whole new chapter emerges, a tawdry tale of bovine and the vertically challenged