Can a fresh Death Knight leave the starter zone without doing the quests?

Want to get a new DK out of the zone without leveling past 10 for a locked exp dungeon farmer. Pretty sure Exiles Reach is a no go, but wasn’t sure about DK, thanks.


If you do a panda or an allied race you start at level 10 and only do like 2 quests before ported to main city hub


Ok, thanks.

Still need it to get the mount and it is/was good XP.

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Once you’re in the starting zone you can only leave one way. I had a dk some years back who I wanted to delete because I had rolled it on a server that was available when the server I wanted to play on was down. But I couldn’t, because blizzard had sent anniversary mail to that character, and because there was mail the character couldn’t be deleted. Even a year later that mail was still in her mailbox. I ended up having a gm delete the mail so I was able to delete the character.

There is a mailbox in that zone though… It is in front of a small house close to the first area you go to when you get to kill some scarlet crusaders.


I died on the way and didn’t feel like corpse running to a mailbox to delete a mail that should not even have been in my mailbox.

TLDR: I like the hero class but I don’t like anything about theme of the hero class. Yeah that makes sense. Fortunately for that kind of “logic” you can just use an allied race, kneel before Bolvar and go quest wherever.

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Is curious. What particular benefit is there for a character under level 10 doing dungeons?

Im always interested in different things to do with toons.

I want to lock him at level 10. At levels 1 to 10 the scaling between character and npcs favours the character. By twinking the toon with socketed gear and enchants, your level 10 can have fun mog/mount farming solo. Of course you have limited skills, but it is still fun. Blood DK seems fun since the main ability also heals. Takes work to farm the equipment, but worth it for side enjoyment.

A worgen death knight. A torn soul who can’t decide which starter area to skip. Poor thing.

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Really? So is that like any mounts and mogs across all the expansion? Very cool, must try it.

I know it works through Legion content. Don’t think BFA is soloable yet, atleast i have no info on it. It is fun. It just takes time and dedication to min max the right gear and hope for those sockets. Chromie time TBC and do dungeons for the ilvl 14 gear pieces and keep running them till you get socket drops and prefered stat pieces. Once you flesh out, than you have fun. LFR doesn’t give any other players that are higher than 10 a penelty, but if you have a pre made group like a guild they will get much less exp. I usually level my toon to 10 and try to get whatever ilvl 17 greens are on the AH for starter gear, than LFG dungeons and begin the farm.

Im probably misunderstanding, but are you saying I can solo TBC dungeons at level 10? That doesnt seem possible given those mobs will be elites.

You are misunderstanding. You need to join a group with chromie time in TBC and the dungeon will be scaled to your level. You keep doing dungeons to get socket geam and once you are fully geared and have enchants for more stats, you can solo them and many more.

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The entitlement of this one.