Can’t open multiple clients on mac after prepatch

As of last night, 10-21, the issue is unresolved.

Just keeping the thread alive???

Letting my imagination run wild…


“Okay, last on the list is that Mac multi-boxing client issue… Who wants that?”


a few seconds later
“What’s the new guy’s name? He’s out on quarantine…”

“Oh… Bob! Assign it to him!”

“Bob’s on it! Alright everyone, let’s get busy on rolling out that starter quest for the actual expansion content! And don’t forget to put on your Sprite Darter transmog before you face the Maw!”

Epilogue: Shortly after the SCRUM meeting, Qadosh got banned from the forums.


Posted complaint on Twitter @BlizzardCS


Thank you. I feel like we all need to make our voices heard across multiple platforms in order to expedite a fix for this. I also saw someone mentioned this on the wow reddit forum last week.


That was me :-). I pay for 6 accounts and I’m not happy at this point.


So, the $$$ you are out…

I’ve said before, but am still frustrated… I spent weeks leveling my “teams of three” and even moved toons from one account to another in order to have the sets I wanted available to play together.

All that to end up stuck.

So frustrated, I just decided to level up my Goblin. That’s all.

I notice this morning they’ve posted one of those “We’re aware of a problem that is affecting our authentication servers, …” on the Breaking News update. So maybe they’re actually working on it. If so, three cheers to us for making the problem clear without becoming petulant.

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I think the authentication server issues they mentioned only affect the logins for players, and not relating to the client issues we have. They often have that message when players experience slow or failed login attempts. I have been tracking their blue posts and bug fixes/patch notes and have not seen any mention of this bug relating to multiple clients on mac. There’s no indication so far that they are even working on it except for the GM’s replies on our tickets.

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That’s all.

Submitted another ticket, that it’s been a week and we have nothing resolved.


I plan to also within the next day or two if we don’t get a more substantial response from staff.

At this point, it is time for Blizzard to join the discussion here in the forum. Our talking amongst ourselves does nothing except to reinforce the point that something needs to be done. Our not knowing what, if anything, is being done, results in us spiraling through the points:

  1. It worked the night before the patch.

  2. It didn’t work after the patch.

  3. Every other application that we have tested (e.g. Safari) works as expected to launch multiple clients.

  4. Resetting PRAM or NVRAM does not consistently fix the problem and does not permanently fix the problem.

  5. Our collective responses from Blizzard have seemed dismissive and have seemed to point blame toward: A.) Apple, B.) Our setups. Because of 1 and 3 above, it is safe to rule these out as a cause.

  6. None of us have any idea that anything is being done.

  7. All of us have invested $ in WoW in order to create a play environment that we enjoy. None of us are realizing that desired outcome in a way that is satisfactory.

At this point, I would like to see some response from a developer at Blizzard at least to articulate what is going on and how they believe the pre-patch state of operating will be restored.

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GM Gruglo here. Thanks for contacting us about this. I’m sorry I wasn’t able to talk to you personally, which is what I would prefer!

We’ve only started tracking this issue very recently and there stil seem to be a low number of reports of it. We’re currently looking into the problem, but if you have any friends who are experiencing similar issues please have them get in touch so we have a wider number of reports and more data to work with.

I have seen that some players are reporting leaving wow and open, then restarting the Mac with the “Reopen Windows on restart” allows them to have 2 instances running, as a workaround.

If there’s anything else I can help with, please let me know!

Game Master Gruglo
Blizzard Entertainment Europe

** Note: EU support is answering a US ticket. Very strange.

Everyone who is having an issue needs to submit a ticket, more power in numbers. “there still seem to be a low number of reports of it.”


When I try to do a tech ticket, it asks for traceroute and system files. Am I going about this the hard way?

Does anyone know of anyone running Mac who is NOT having this issue?

I’m pretty sure every mac user would have the same client issue we have. It’s just that not many of us multibox on the mac OS, hence the low number of reports.


I agree. I doubt Blizzard has any contra-evidence to our thinking that it is not our systems or the OS.

Getting vague boilerplate text as “problem answered” responses to tickets is no longer satisfactory. Those are obviously from PR, not a tech team CS rep. I’d settle - for the moment - for a “We do take this seriously” blue post here. I’ve worked as a TSA (basically, lead person for inhouse tech support). I can tell you that some problems that seem complex to the users are easy fixes, while some apparently simple problems take a lot more troubleshooting & work than expected.

If they want more tickets maybe we should all log on to all of our accounts and file a ticket from each?

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to make it clear - Kunbo & Kunboketlle are both me. Thanks to the weird forum set up I sometimes have to change characters to update my thread about the weekly RP event I run. One of the genuine reasons for running multiple clients is to properly conduct a cross-faction event of many years’ standing. It’s easy to forget to switch back for posting in other threads.

Anyway - just now I tried opening two clients without the kludge. The second client reached the initial screen, and hung at the “connecting to server” message. My 30 years’ experience tells me that’s just the crash ending up in a different spot even though the originating error is the same. Took a screenshot f.w.i.w. that shows both client windows are open, with the hung one in front. Also reopened my existing ticket.

EDIT: just remembered. Unless something changes I’ve now got a couple of accounts I can get SL pre-purchase refunds on. That’ll more than offset any character transfers I want to do, leave me one account to play on, & even help my Xmas budget a little bit.

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Agree 100%.

Hi have to post this… because they told me to try the work-around that I posted about a few days ago. The suggested that I…

I just…


But, at least it is a reply.

Hi, Bill!

Technical Specialist Rhiachem at your service! Your patience is greatly appreciated as we reach you as quickly as possible!

I understand that since the patch, you have not been able to open multiple World of WarCraft clients on the system. Thank you for taking the time to reach out to us including system files! It’s a frustrating issues to run into.

We have been receiving multiple reports of this issue and we’re gathering information on this now to escalate this over to our team. Here’s the forum thread where people are discussing this issue:
Can’t open multiple clients on mac after prepatch

At this moment, we’re looking for resolutions and workaroudns for this issue, but it may help to try restarting your Mac and use the “Reopen Windows on Restart” option. This may temporarily workaround the issue, but we have not confirmed this yet.

This may not have been the answer you were looking for, but I hope this is still informative! Thank you again for taking the time to reach out to us, Bill!