I had the same issue on my Mac. I have 3 accounts, could only run 2, 3rd would hang.
This is what I did, and works for me - USE AT YOUR OWN RISK!
Running 10.14.6 with all updates. I launched activity monitor and launched 3 copies of the client from the Battle.net app.
Clicked “info” in the activity monitor for each of the 3 WoW clients. 2 running, 1 was “Not responding”. Once the info windows are open go to “Open Files and ports”. Compared the running to the non-running. The non-running always hung at line 127:
/private/var/folders/ts/l320s_yj3mx03_ww5gdjcv_00000gp/T/WoW ASYNCTHREADSHAREDMEM.1.mutex
This is the temp directory in Mac OS (from terminal type “open $TMPDIR”). I’m guessing it is different for each machine/user??
I went to that directory, and saw 4 recent files, all zero bytes in size:
So what I do is this:
- open the temp directory
- Lauch Battle.net App
- Launch client 1, login to character
- Go to Finder, go to temp dir, delete the 4 files listed above. Just in trash, I do not empty the trash.
- Back to Battle.net, launch client 2, login character
- Go to Finder, go to temp dir, delete the 4 files listed above. (It creates them with each client launch)
- Back to Battle.net, launch client 3, login character
- Play with 3 accounts!
So far this has worked 100% for me. I have not noticed any ill effects.
If you do choose to try this, let me know if it works for you. Also, if you check Activity monitor, I would be curious if it hangs at line 127, on that same file, for you as well.