Can’t complete Battle of Dazar’alor, path blocked by door after King Rastakhan

So this issue is still in the game where in a any difficulty, and taking either a long or short time to kill King Rastakhan, the door up the stairs fails to unlock.

Vrakthris in another post says it’s not a bug but is intended due to “things not triggering the way they are intended.”

I just spent ~20min meleeing Rastakhan down as a warlock and still the door is locked.
After ~3 years and this raid not being able to be completed, it’s time to do something about it.

I’m concerned you may be going the wrong way. You exit the room to the right of where the boss spawns and then turn left, following Nathanos to an overlook where you fly down to face Mekkatorque. There’s no door and no going up stairs.

Yep. I mow him down and there’s no blocked exit.