Campaign Quest showing not completed

So just completed “The Power of Night” campaign, however the log isn’t showing I completed “The Unseen Guests”. I know I completed it as I’m now at renown 54 and I’m sure I wouldn’t have been start the new quest for the campaign today. Anyone else seeing the same thing in their quests log?


I am renown 55 and my log shows 6/9 Chapters completed. It isn’t showing “The Unseen Guests” as complete, but it is showing “The Power of Night” which is the questline after.

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Same here, I also have 6/9 of the quests completed, and just finished this weeks campaign quest and it shows it big white text with no checkbox next to it.

Same. I checked the achievement tracker for “Chains of Domination” and that shows I have credit for Unseen Guests but the campaign part of my quest log shows it as not completed.

I also noticed on an alt I have completed chapters 1-3, all of which show complete, and then it shows the very last step of the campaign (ch9) with the big white text as if it’s available to complete. The quest log seems a bit buggy. :slight_smile:

Same here. I finished “The power of Night” questline today, and my “Unseen Guests” questline is appearing in white text as if I didn’t complete it.

same here. not completed The Unseen Guests Campaign.but i already finished all.

This seems pretty common.