Campaign Quest Locked Behind Raiding

Its just another manipulation to try and get people into playing the way they want. Delay lfr to push people into normal, delay the catalyst to push people into raiding. Everything is designed with clear intent on getting you to do what they want you to


They are not worried about that. Ppl who mythic raid week 1 WILL have 2-3 toons they already ran through heroic/normal. One more lfr run to them isn’t a big deal.

Edit: i mean mythic WF racers.

This statement doesn’t make sense. You state “for those who don’t raid, you still have to raid in LFR”.

So what you are really saying is "For those who do not raid, you don’t get to see story content. Casual players are not welcome to our story.

This is such a bone headed statement. Please re-consider this.


Once the wing opens up the story quest will unlock and you can skip the raid if you don’t wanna do it. And the cutscene will no doubt be provided for you.

Or I’ll go watch the video on youtube and stop playing this game for the story, since it’s going to be spoiled everywhere before I can even have a chance to experience it.

Come on, guys. Ion said he was going to stop doing this BS.


Well I don’t care for raiding or the story anyway.

Thanks for reinforcing this take and making it easy for me, blizz.


There’s no ‘probably’ about it, this is a very bad, very stupid call. It’s needless timegating that does nothing more than punish players who aren’t in a guild and who depend on lfr if they want to see a raid while it’s current content. I shouldn’t have to dedicate weeks of my life to a guild and its progression when I just want to see the story and move on.


I don’t particularly care about the story or raid (though DF has been miles better than SL in the story department). I won’t be doing LFR because it’s not worth my time. I really feel bad for those who want to do it, though, and can’t get into a Normal group for whatever reason.

Why are LFR wings is so heavily time gated? Does Blizzard have metrics that it really take casual players over 2 months to get through the 5 hours of story content and get their characters enough gear to queue into LFR? I would have assumed releasing 1 LFR wing each week would have made more sense. Even if you can only play a small handful of hours here or there you should have enough open world gear to meet the ilvl requirements by the end of May.

It’s an insult that they hold content back for seemingly no reason. June 20th is ridiculous.


wth was the whole point of releasing lfr first wing with everyone else if we have to wait til june ? why not just release all lfr at once aswell ? didnt they say the reasoning was for story anyways like wtf blizz


Engagement metrics., and they want people to have a reason to stay subbed or re-sub.

I’m familiar with their MAU’s, I just think that they’re targeting the wrong group with trying to create artificial barriers to unsubbing. Mythic+Heroic hardcore players are full T30 already and will unsub way before casuals do. Casuals are more than happy to keep their subs rolling even if LFR wasn’t time gated – I’m one of them. Happy to keep my sub rolling even if I have weeks where I can only play 4-8 hours.


I agree, but I’m sure they have data that shows people stay around longer with this release cadence. Well…or they’re just elitists who think you shouldn’t get the raid experience in LFR in a timely manner. OR they’re lazy and don’t feel like changing strategy. Or…they’re incompetent and don’t know how to read sub data and correlated past LFR releases to sub retention in an inaccurate way.

Ultimately that’s a long way to say “I don’t actually know,” but my primary assumption would be the first one (regarding having data.)


No, its because us raiders dont wanna triple raid - LFR, normal, and heroic all week long from the get go.

So don’t, no one is making you.


As raiders, we have to do everything to get our dps up, and it would mean farming lfr for tier early on. This slows it down. Its a responsibility, not forced.

I’m pushing M+ 16s this week with my old tier set, if you think LFR gear is that much of an advantage to hold back LFR for casual players you need to learn to play your class.


New tier is more powerful for some, and I am as well. I’ve already got shadowflame boots 447.

This still doesn’t justify slow-dripping the lowest form of raid content to the most casual group in the game. If your raid leader expects you to do LFR content to gear for heroic that’s between you and your guild, Blizzard should not design around the degen community.


Blizzard only cares about pockets of its shareholders, not about own customers…


You have no idea how powerful tier is.