Timegating LFR makes zero sense. it never has. And now casual players who prefer to run the raid on their own time, have to wait a month before they can unlock the next chapter of the story?
The entire raid is open on its launch day, for all difficulties, except LFR. Why?
And I already explained you don’t have to look for spoilers, if you like the cinematic and you watch those videos, share with friends, that’s enough for the algorithm
Here’s an example of Twitter’s algorithm and how it works…
Each time you log in and use Twitter, the algorithm learns more about you and tailors your For You timeline to show the most recent content from users you are most likely to engage with, as determined by the Real Graph .
It doesn’t matter if you follow an influencer or not. I see loads of people in my feed talk about WoW and I don’t know 90% of them or follow them.
They were even so lazy they didn’t do the 450 mount achievement.
That’s life sure I don’t go out my way I have a lot of problems at home to handle as it is but coming here and keeping up on the news on this game you can’t ignore it .it’s in your face.
The thing is, you can easily outgear LFR gear by simply doing world content since everything is upgradeable. LFR drops VETERAN level gear, gear that drops in Zeralak, so gear isn’t the issue.
the worst call they made was putting it behind rep… i switch around between toons so not many have high rep so its annoying to have stuff locked behind a system that’s absolutely garbage. have rep fine. dont lock quests for the main story behind it.
So the players who probably care most about the story are the ones who don’t get to see it when the “raiders” do. Makes absolutely no sense.
LFR should not be time gated in the first place. Everyone playing (and paying) for this game should be able to experience the story at the same time.
I use Twitter and in the beginning I didn’t know their were world of Warcraft news to get and I only knew about that the official World of Warcraft has a Twitter page and I followed them and still didn’t get any spoilers on my front page then. The only way spoilers will pop up is by going out of your way and look for them and plus I do follow wowhead I am already spoiled and stuff but for others not so much.
Outside gear doesn’t drop tier gear though. That was my statement. Their current and past systems show that they do NOT want people to have tier set bonuses quickly. LFR would literally give players 6 shots at tier gear if all wings were open day one. Blizzard has demonstrated they do not want this happening on relativly easy content.
When the final chapter opens the end cutscene will no doubt plays for those who haven’t done the raid.
I haven’t even seen tier drop yet in the 3 weeks the raid has been out. I think that may be an excuse, but it’s not a solid one.
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You take your 4th class citizenry, drop fed content, and overall neglect, and you PAY ME A SUB! NOW!
Well that’s a disappointing choice by Blizzard. Guess, I’ll just wait till the last wing of LFR is released.
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Even as someone who will be able to complete this quest because my guild is killing Sark, this is a blow to the people who aren’t raiding. LFR should be open now to coincide with this, at a minimum.
When literally every single other raid difficulty has had access to killing Sark since day one, no having to wait ANOTHER month to access the final chapter of the campaign is not a reasonable amount of time.
That is mainly,because of rtwf ,if they get the gear in any way it cheapens the raid.
What’s the reward from completing it?
Not really, they all had 4 set bonus anyway without LFR gear.
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Heh, you argue this as if it is a social injustice….it ain’t.