Campaign-Getting Backstage

The Campaign quest Getting Backstage in Ardenweald-Star Lake Amphitheater is bugged. I am unable to get back stage on the quest line portion. the NPC thats position to walk in circle is stuck under the stairs where player have to walk across to complete quest and there is no way around his.


Yep, same. I’m done. Every week, new campaign quest, every week, new bugs that prevent finishing it.


I’m also having the same problem =(

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So I was having this problem, after you get backstage, click off the disguise buff and you will be fine


Thank you good sir, this worked for me!

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Thank you! Was having this issue too.

This is still an issue - one way of working around this is to go to group finder and join another group’s quest for ardenweald so you get phased, hopefully in that phase, the detector mob is patrolling. This worked for me, blizzard why is this bug still in the game after 3 weeks of stopping campaign progress?

I tried EVERYTHING, but only one thing worked for me. I got my buddy to let me ride his 2-person mount over the area to complete the quest. Good luck!

This is impossibly stupid. I can’t even get in. I came back since my break expecting this to get better - not worse.

For anyone having troubles with this - go to the back stage, fly up really high (as high as you can go) then dismount and when you res it’ll work properly.