Camera zoom out?

I remember there being console commands for getting improved camera distance in vanilla. Are there any that work for Classic?

I’ve tried the ones that worked in the past and no effect.

/console cameraDistanceMaxZoomFactor 3.5

That will get you zoomed out super far, enjoy.


Just change it on your key bindings for in and out, i perosnally use num pad + and -


Thanks a ton!

There’s an addon called MaxCam that does it for you :smiley:


Thanks, that was what I was looking for.

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Took me 15 minutes of googling to find this. You are a life saver.

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I downloaded MaxCam and it is great, really helps you avoid pulling adds while questing and your situational awareness in PVP.

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You legend, thank you.

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Why are the forums showing me a post from two months ago? God Blizzard these new forums are horrible!

Anyone still looking for this. I believe the new max is 2.6 so the command is
/console cameraDistanceMaxZoomFactor 2.6