Camera ZOOM and Monitor size enquiry

Hi all,

I mainly arena and am using a 17" inch laptop. I am looking to upgrade to a 24 or 27" monitor and want to know which one is better suited?

Even with game settings zoomed out, I find certain arena maps very difficult as sometimes the camera zooms out and sometimes it zooms in to where I have very little visibility of what’s going on, I’m very surprised I was even able to get 1800 last season.

I appreciate this isn’t your typical arena post, however I am looking to improve my rating and am sure more screen visibility will lead to more map awareness.

Thanks in advance for your comments.

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Personally, I would first gauge the distance you’re going to be from your monitor. I have two 27" monitors, but I sit about 3-4 feet from my screens.

Do you have your zoom bound to any key? I tend to keep mine at max zoom, but I did increase the UI scaling some as well.

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Thanks a lot. Great advice. I ended up going for a 24.5" monitor.

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Solid! Given the resolution of the 24’s these days, that will be perfect I’m sure.