Camera Spins "Uncontrollably"

When entering game as any character, while running (holding W), and then holding either right or left mouse to change camera angle, the camera starts to spin at an intensely high rate. After this, I can reproduce the intense spinning of the camera without moving. This crazy intense spin rate makes the game unplayable as you are seemingly not able to control it.

Note: If I login to any character, hold right or left mouse (without doing it while moving), the camera angle works as expected, but as soon as I try to change my camera angle while moving, the problem is reproducible 100% with or without moving. Restarting the game makes the above "reset" such at that I can move the camera as normal again, until I try to do it while moving.

Note: I've done some testing on this and when entering the bad state, it seems that if I move the mouse left, which moves the camera, the camera moves slightly, and then moving the mouse right, the camera keeps moving left but starts to slow down until it comes to a complete stop and then start moving in the direction I'm asking it to go (to the right). Almost as if the camera action stores the "momentum" the camera was moving at, and must "undo" the momentum of the camera before it starts moving in the direction I'm asking it to move.

Note: once in this bad state, moving the mouse up or down while trying to move the camera, also makes it spin uncontrollably.

Note: I've looked on many forums and seen many players have had this problem, but I have not seen an official blue post answer to this problem. I have tried many of the players suggestions, but no post seems to be current. Here are the steps i have done to try to resolve this issue that have not worked:

    * disabled all addons
    * Deleted Interface, Cache, and WTF files in the wow directory and restarted the game
    ** Make sure that curse client is not running.
    * tried reload ui within game
    * changed from fullscreen (windowed) to windowed, and full screen
    * run scan for repair in the app on Wow
    * Updated video Drivers
    * Updated Mouse and Keyboard drivers
    * Try a different mouse
    * gone to compatibility option in properties for the wow-64, wow, and wow-launcher .exes and disabled checked/unchecked the dpi box thing in compatibility mode
    * Shut down - boot up the PC
    * Restart the PC
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I am having this same issue. It is making the game unplayable and it just started with the patch two weeks ago.
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Update - I am in talks with a GM through a ticket who has requested additional information. I'll let you know if we come to a resolutions.
Update - i have just tried uninstall->install World of Warcraft through the launcher. This did not fix the issue.
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I got a response from blizzard with some recommendation incase anyone else runs into this. I also found that I needed to update windows 10 which I will also see if it fixes the issue. Once I run through each of these I'll report here what fixed my issue. Here is the response from Blizzard CS:

see you have done the majority of things on the list that solves this issue so some of these may sound like a repeat, however I want to work through them in order of effectiveness. You can try each step, then try the game to see if that crazy camera rave stops!

We'll start with the biggest, disabling the action cam.

The command for that is:
/console ActionCam full to /console ActionCam off

The second major thing, which you did it appears was change the game settings from Windowed Borderless - to Fullscreen. Using Fullscreen resolved both FPS drops as well as massive mouse/camera shake

Along with that would be to
1. Open Game Menu
2. Select "System"
3. Click "Recommended" button in the bottom left
4. Click "All Settings"
5. change Display Mode back to Fullscreen
6. Logout of the game and back in

The followup steps are to;

1.Reset Interface
You did this, but the major callout is that does not work unless Curse is uninstalled first, then the folders deleted.

2.Reset all user options in the World of Warcraft logon screen
I'm not sure this was done

3.Reset the key bindings in game on top of that in case the interface reset was not performed properly

4.Make sure you are running the game in Full-screen (windowed) mode
I believe you have tried this

5.Check for Windows mouse pointer incompatibility
I see you tried a diff one so it very well might not be this

6.Check for Using Synergy (Symless) which allows one computer to use keyboard and mouse on another computer.
This can also cause this issue.

Hopefully these work, especially the first ones. Regarldess if they do or not, I'd also like you to put in a bug report, in addition to the post you made, since it was believed most the camera spin issues have been resolved as of Tuesday.

To report a bug in-game: 1.Click Help to open the Customer Support window.
2.Click Submit Bug.
3.Enter the details of the bug, making sure to follow the guidelines outlined on the submission form.
4.Click Submit.

If this doesn't work, those steps above, let us know so we can update the fix and figure out next steps.

If you have any other questions or concerns please let us know.

May all your battles go in your favor and may your loots be epic!

Before I tried any solutions above I let the windows 10 update run for a while, and when I came back everything was working! Wonderful.

Running the manual update to windows 10 fixed my issue.

To do this open the windows icon in your task bar and go to settings (cog icon). From the new window select "Update & Security". Then in the default tab (which defaults to "Windows Update", select "check for updates" and if you have any, download install them.

Such a simple thing that held me up for a day, but doing a windows update solved it.
I was having the same issues and literally tried everything. Came across this post and the windows 10 update solved all of my issues!

I just had this problem happen to me again. Same exact repo case. This time no windows update was available (which fixed my problems last time).

This weekend I streamed Blizzcon and was using Synergy to link multiple computers to 1 mouse/keyboard. Although running synergy on multiple machines worked all-throughout the Blizzcon stream while I was playing games, when I finally shut synergy down, and put my computer into sleep mode, the next time I came back the bug was occuring.

Even though I updated graphics drivers, and restarted my computer multiple times, I found some lingering synergy processes running in the task manager. I shut those down manually, and the issue went away again.
Just bought a new gaming laptop and this happens to me frequently. Happened almost immediately on a brand-new install of WoW, on a brand-new laptop with all updates installed from the laptop manufacturer (ASUS), Nvidia, and Windows. I even re-checked all of the updates again tonight before playing.

I thought it might have been a conflict with the trackpad, but also tried disabling that before playing. Same thing. The problem doesn't occur every single time, but it seems like there is about a 50% chance that if I make the mistake of changing the camera angle while moving- it will start to spin completely out of control.

I want to note too that I don't even have to be pressing a key to move- it happens almost every time I try to change the camera angle while (npc) flying too.

The only way to fix it is to re-start the game. I've tried disabling/re-enabling the trackpad, and unplugging/re-plugging the mouse, even tried different USB ports. There doesn't seem to be any way to fix it in-game. :(
i have the same problem, but i just Alt tab and its normal
Synergy was the issue on mine, idk how that got on my pc, weird....

08/07/2016 07:24 PMPosted by Bomboso
I got a response from blizzard with some recommendation incase anyone else runs into this. I also found that I needed to update windows 10 which I will also see if it fixes the issue. Once I run through each of these I'll report here what fixed my issue. Here is the response from Blizzard CS:

see you have done the majority of things on the list that solves this issue so some of these may sound like a repeat, however I want to work through them in order of effectiveness. You can try each step, then try the game to see if that crazy camera rave stops!

We'll start with the biggest, disabling the action cam.

The command for that is:
/console ActionCam full to /console ActionCam off

The second major thing, which you did it appears was change the game settings from Windowed Borderless - to Fullscreen. Using Fullscreen resolved both FPS drops as well as massive mouse/camera shake

Along with that would be to
1. Open Game Menu
2. Select "System"
3. Click "Recommended" button in the bottom left
4. Click "All Settings"
5. change Display Mode back to Fullscreen
6. Logout of the game and back in

The followup steps are to;

1.Reset Interface
You did this, but the major callout is that does not work unless Curse is uninstalled first, then the folders deleted.

2.Reset all user options in the World of Warcraft logon screen
I'm not sure this was done

3.Reset the key bindings in game on top of that in case the interface reset was not performed properly

4.Make sure you are running the game in Full-screen (windowed) mode
I believe you have tried this

5.Check for Windows mouse pointer incompatibility
I see you tried a diff one so it very well might not be this

6.Check for Using Synergy (Symless) which allows one computer to use keyboard and mouse on another computer.
This can also cause this issue.

Hopefully these work, especially the first ones. Regarldess if they do or not, I'd also like you to put in a bug report, in addition to the post you made, since it was believed most the camera spin issues have been resolved as of Tuesday.

To report a bug in-game: 1.Click Help to open the Customer Support window.
2.Click Submit Bug.
3.Enter the details of the bug, making sure to follow the guidelines outlined on the submission form.
4.Click Submit.

If this doesn't work, those steps above, let us know so we can update the fix and figure out next steps.

If you have any other questions or concerns please let us know.

May all your battles go in your favor and may your loots be epic!

Been having this issue as well.
Bump for the issue happening to myself and a guildie. It's annoying and it won't stop. It's caused me to die in raids a few times now.
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Yep. Confirmed with atleast 6 other people on my Btag having the same issue.

Issue isn't reproducible but I do notice it alot on maps like Blade's Edge arena, tiger's peak arena.

Nearly went and bought a new mouse
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Happening to me as well. It appears to have started with 7.3.
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Started having the exact same issue today... Hopefully they can resolve this during tomorrow's maintenance dt
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ok, My windows 10 has already been updated and i am still having the issue. But i think i have found a work a around for the time being. Its seems to be a razer issue with me. In the task manager, once I ended the task "razeringameengine" the camera problems were gone. Just have to make sure that every time i restart my computer, i have to end this task.
Okay, so it's not me. It only happens once in a great while, but suddenly my camera starts spinning. Easy to correct, but made me think my computer was on the fritz since I can't seem to reproduce the issue.
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Jenix, this fixed it for us!
09/04/2017 07:28 PMPosted by Jenix
ok, My windows 10 has already been updated and i am still having the issue. But i think i have found a work a around for the time being. Its seems to be a razer issue with me. In the task manager, once I ended the task "razeringameengine" the camera problems were gone. Just have to make sure that every time i restart my computer, i have to end this task.

This worked for me, and I use razer keyboard with logitech mouse.