Note: If I login to any character, hold right or left mouse (without doing it while moving), the camera angle works as expected, but as soon as I try to change my camera angle while moving, the problem is reproducible 100% with or without moving. Restarting the game makes the above "reset" such at that I can move the camera as normal again, until I try to do it while moving.
Note: I've done some testing on this and when entering the bad state, it seems that if I move the mouse left, which moves the camera, the camera moves slightly, and then moving the mouse right, the camera keeps moving left but starts to slow down until it comes to a complete stop and then start moving in the direction I'm asking it to go (to the right). Almost as if the camera action stores the "momentum" the camera was moving at, and must "undo" the momentum of the camera before it starts moving in the direction I'm asking it to move.
Note: once in this bad state, moving the mouse up or down while trying to move the camera, also makes it spin uncontrollably.
Note: I've looked on many forums and seen many players have had this problem, but I have not seen an official blue post answer to this problem. I have tried many of the players suggestions, but no post seems to be current. Here are the steps i have done to try to resolve this issue that have not worked:
- * disabled all addons
* Deleted Interface, Cache, and WTF files in the wow directory and restarted the game
** Make sure that curse client is not running.
* tried reload ui within game
* changed from fullscreen (windowed) to windowed, and full screen
* run scan for repair in the app on Wow
* Updated video Drivers
* Updated Mouse and Keyboard drivers
* Try a different mouse
* gone to compatibility option in properties for the wow-64, wow, and wow-launcher .exes and disabled checked/unchecked the dpi box thing in compatibility mode
* Shut down - boot up the PC
* Restart the PC