Camera spinning out of control - Cvars cause secondary problems


My camera is spinning out of control. It feels like my mouse sensitivity is through the roof when controlling the camera.

I have a logitech G pro mouse controlled by the logitech gaming software.

I have tried all of the solutions here and here .

Running /console rawMouseEnable 1 fixes the problem, but causes my frame rate to drop extremely low from 70+ down to 15+.

Setting my mouse’s polling rate to 125 also does not work.

I also tried all of the other solutions and none of them work.

Please help because I literally can’t play the game with camera spinning out. Right now I have to play with a fixed camera.

Thank you

Edit: P.S: this is on Classic

I don’t know the details of your problem, whether its constantly or just now and then. For me it seems to be connected to the camera controls. On retail I have to set the Interface Options/Camera/Camera Following Style to “Only horizontal when moving” and I hardly ever have that issue.

I’ve had similar things happen in Classic and I currently have it set to what appears to be the closest option to that, “Only when moving” rather than the default “Smart”. I’m waiting to see myself if it improves the issue.