Camera Mouse Look Speed

I send off the ticket, haven’t heard anything yet and wondering if anyone knew how to lower the setting for the mouse look speed, I got it on the lowest as possible and still too much. I can counter this pretty well on Skyrim or Everquest II, but I cant find a way to lower this.

I checked the game’s folder to see if I can find the config file or something to correct this. Does anyone have any ideas? I did however checked the mouse setting at the desktop, seem to be okay, but in the game just wonky too fast and not comfortable about it.


/script SetCVar("rawMouseEnable", 1);

Tried using that in chat window, the system telling me that I may lose an item or golds. That isn’t good, so I cancel it out.

It’s just a standard warning letting you know you’re running a custom script.

In the past, people have tricked people into running scripts that could make them do things like send their gold to their character. That’s what the warning is about. As long as you don’t run scripts from untrustworthy sources, you’ll be fine.

Could also grab the addon AdvancedInterfaceOptions and configure it through there.

/console SET cameraYawMoveSpeed 30