I don’t know if anyone else is experiencing this. I have my DPI on my mouse set to 800 ish, with the ingame sensitivity set to it’s lowest setting. Also, camera look speed is at it’s lowest, and I’m happy with the feel of how my camera moves most of the time and well as being able to control my character.
With that said, there are completely random times where I’m running around and my mouse or camera or whatever gets like hyper sensitivity and it feels like someone turned my DPI up to 4k+.
I was going to just deal with it, thinking it was something going on with just my computer, until someone in gen. chat brought it up. Is this a known issue, is anyone else experiencing something like this?
I’d honestly love to know, because if it’s a bug, I’d love to hear about a fix for it. Thanks!
Experienced the same random camera issue.
I am using Logitech G900, DPI set to 1600 and report rate 1000, with pointer acceleration in Windows disabled.
dropping the USB polling rate of my mouse to 125hz helps a lot with that, but it definitely doesn’t completely fix the issue for me. still worth a shot!
I lowered my report rate as well. I have the G502 Hero, which I love but I don’t think I can handle dropping my DPI any further. I don’t have this issue anywhere else but WoW. Gotta be there end, no?
i can link this for reference but i cant test any of it since im queued
i did have this issue in GW2 so i feel like it might be deeper than just WoW, i dunno. been dealing with this issue for many years now lol
EDIT: also yeah this happens in both WoW retail and classic for me at least
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I never had the issue before but when I returned to retail I noticed it instantly and it’s happening in classic as well. I do not remember this ever happening in Cata and before Cata so it must be something newer.
It’s pretty annoying and hopefully I can find a fix.
Same issue here using a logitech mouse… annoying as hell
Turning off smart camera in user interface settings worked for me but im using a razer and could be different for others
Omg I just literally posted the same thing. Upvote this more for a blue yo get vision on it.
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Bump, still an issue. I’d love a blue to actually acknowledge that Blizz knows about this and is at least looking into it, instead of turning a blind eye for another 5 years. Thanks!
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Go to your WoW/WTF folder (classic ), open “Config.wtf” (open in notepad)
Add these two lines to the bottom (make sure that the two settings aren’t anywhere else in the config file):
SET rawMouseEnable "1"
SET rawMouseAccelerationEnable "0"
then save :)
Just replied to other thread.
Disable the “max FPS” background/foreground setting. Worked for me
I just tried this, so far so good. I will keep you posted! Thank you!
Update: This “fix” has worked for me, I not longer get a super sensitive camera, randomly while moving. Hope this helps others with this issue!
I do still have the issue of my cursor resetting to the middle of the screen after clicking randomly, (no matter where it is on the screen) but i’ll take this small victory for now!
Thank you!