Camera Collision Feature: Could the Player-Outline be placed "on top" of objects occluding the Player?

Continuing the discussion from The War Within Beta Development Notes:

I have heard that making objects become properly transparent could require a full rewrite of WoW’s Rendering-Engine, and is hence not feasible anytime soon.

But what about the “Player Outline” feature?

Can WoW’s Engine handle forcing the Player’s Outline to have UI-level “HIGH” Frame-Strata, based on whether the Camera is occluded or not?

Could that be an easily implemented work-around to the Opacity problem?

We don’t actually need to see our characters, only where our characters and the dangerous things around us are.

This was just a thought I had while reading the recent wowhead Article about the feature. I have no idea if it’s remotely practical, but couldn’t hurt to check.