Camelot to Alcatraz

Can someone please explain to me how Blizzard went from Camelot to Alcatraz? I don’t know a lot of the lore behind this recent issue and I’m having trouble understanding what’s going on. Thanks

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Google is your friend.

If that’s too much for you, find an adult you trust irl to help you out.

Meh, it’s only a model.

Let’s not go to Camelot. It is a silly place.

It all started way back in the day when a company wanted to make a warhammer game, when they couldnt get the license they made legally distinct warhammer.

When that was a success, they made legally distinct warhammer 40k.

Im not sure when they stopped taking from GW and branched out to ape other parts of culture, like arthurian legend.

Isn’t that what Trump said after being accused of assault?

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Don’t know, don’t care.

i’m not sure what Camelot to Alcatraz exactly means here.

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Neither does the OP.

Um there is no Camelot dungeon in WoW.