Came back. What faction is gonna be more active rn?

Hello all I am back for the time being. I’m gonna be playing night times mostly but I was wondering what the more populated faction is gonna be rn ? Thanks for the responses !

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Who’s gonna tell him?

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Oh gosh. It’s bad isn’t it ?

Yeah… ED is so tragically dead.

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Damn I was hoping this server would still be around.

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Right? ED was my only server for over 10 years. I’ve never seen it this gone though. Some folks are still there but the scene is just dead. All of this is imo and my own experience of course; I could be (and hope I am) somewhat wrong.

Most of the folks I knew on ED are on WrA, moon guard or playing classic now.



i made a evoker on alliance and there seems to be a ton over on that side. however, horde is def dead.

No way it’s dead, WSB and Qwerty were doing a great job growing the realm…


I blame Blizzard and their introduction of cross-realm “efficiency” for the appearance of a growing realm.

That dont have much to do with ED, since its pretty segregated from everyone else.

You see a few very small realms, but nothing that really matters.

ED just died by its own hands. When people have the option to leave and not deal with you, they will.

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Yet here we are talking about it lol

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Lol they removed everything in the game that gave ED its personality, there is no reason for anyone to remain here so they havent.

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Definitely different these days. Alot of the known people left.

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