So I stopped playing wow just prior to the release of the Siren Isles patch and came back this week because the undermine stuff looked fun, upon updating and launching the game I get a white text box saying I needed to update my Intel i9 14900k bios so I went ahead and did that and now I cant last any longer then 10-15mins in wow before the game completely locks up for 10 secs or I get an Access Violation error or the game just closes straight to the desktop…I played from launch of TWW until I stopped without any of these issues what so ever and suddenly all this? I have read the Intel blog relating to my processor but that only seems to relate to overheating issues, my cpu doesnt go above 40c. Any one else having similar issues or know of some fix or the general direction I can take would be appreciated! I will attach a dxdiag and the last error crash report DxDiagError Report
If you ran that processor at all before the bios and microcode updates, it could have damage. The issue was voltage itself, not the corresponding temperature.
The dxdiag is showing lots of gpu driver crashes and the March drivers have shown some issues with wow.
Doing a clean install of the early February drivers using DDU is where I’d start.
I contacted the supplier of my cpu and they have agreed to replace it for free should I continue to run into problems and have done as you suggested with ddu and febs drivers so I’ll see how that goes, Thanks Zungar