Calm of the Wolf

This Worgen skill active yet? Or did I miss something.

It is. Toggle it on.

Still useless for Druids, though.

It somewhere under the P skills?
This is the something i missed lol

It’s in the same section of your spell book that your worgen racials are in because it is a worgen racial


Press your “P” key
Click the tab with the book icon
It’s red and black


I have p skills. My best is the no hands


Achievement Unlocked?

I have Calm the Wolf on my hotbar and toggled on at all times, as well as Two Forms skill right next to it. It works pretty well, but occasionally in certain situations I will get stuck in Worgen form and will need to click Two Forms to get back into Human form.

Overall though, Calm the Wolf works great.

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Thanks All, I got it now.

Now you need to make a werewolf playlist. Here’s a start:

  1. Of wolf and man - Metallica
  2. Bark at the moon - Ozzy
  3. Werewolves of London - Warren Zevon
  4. Wolf like Me - TV on the Radio
  5. Wolf - Yeah Yeah Yeahs
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Wait, they actually spent time on this? Good gods, just release a Gilneas Human variant already.

Can we get an optional questline that gets rid of this ability and gives us a tail for those of us that actually LIKE the wolf half of the Worgen equation?

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It’s in the “General” section of your spellbook.

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Yeah it wasn’t hard for them to do a “when not in combat, human” button. Players have been asking for something like this for a while, and when dracthyr got it first, worgen players felt left behind.


had to lol

You forgot, “How much is that doggy in the window?”


Yeah. It seems to auto-transform you only when you exit combat. It doesn’t turn you back after Darkflight ends, or whatever.

Woof. C’man blizz!

Interesting. How do you figure it to be useless for Druids?

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Because coming out of Shapeshift reverts you to Wolf form regardless of whether or not you’re in combat. Unless they changed something between the PTR and now.

No. They just added the Dracthyr ability that already existed to Worgen.