Callouts and nice people

There are some nice, helpful people on these forums. People you think “I’d like to buy (insert character name here) a beer and shoot the breeze with for a bit.” At least I do.

We’ll never meet in real life, but sometimes i think “That was a well thought out reply. No flaming, just a really helpful post. If i could, I’d shake their hand.”

We can’t do that in game, so what’s the next best thing?

Let’s kill each other!

People like Okwaho, Mhorti, Jd, and a number of others.

Once we’re all 60, or maybe even before, I’d like to arrange a duel-type atmosphere. Win/lose, i don’t care. It’s just a way of saying I appreciate the good you bring to the community!

Are there people you feel make this server community better? Why not call them out?

Let’s go, and be safe out there.


That’d be fun!

It’s hard to bite our tongues at times on here but it’s easier to sleep at night knowing you at least attempted to help someone. It’s easy to identify the humble ones on here.

If we ever get in a content drought down the road I thought about hosting some arena tourneys in stv.


I am leveling slow because of real life, but I love community stuff. So when I get to 60 we can talk!


I try to be as level headed as I can, which when interacting on the internet sometimes can be hard. But it is important to try to look at things from multiple angles imo.

I also have some community events planned as well. They require layering to Be gone first though.


PvP is always best when ego is removed and all parties are on the same page. Except when it’s dirty and personal, then it’s even better.


I love all forms of PvP.

However, in this instance, I’m good with "nothing dirty ". I’m still going to win, i mean try to win, but at the end of the day, this is more of a /salute to the positive vibes some people bring.


I agree to an extent, but I’ve experienced quite a few instances where organized PvP ends up one-sided and doesn’t last very long. Admittedly, no one likes to lose, so I can totally understand. I think PvP thrives more in the long-run when it’s chaotic and nerdrage-fueled.

That part was merely to set up the second part of my statement. PvP is best when it’s cruel.


I did wanna give a shout out to Randomrabbit, orc shaman, for helping me with an escort instead of ganking me.


Thanks for the nod!!!

Keeper w/ Starborne is one of those cool people as well - he posted the Character Profile post to help us all get to know one another!!!

And he is always having fun… that’s the point right!


I got ganked by some rogue named “Missfortune” today. I was quite upset with him, especially since at lvl 60 he needed another 60 war to beat me during fair 1v1s. But then I remembered that I respect anyone who engages in world PvP. Now I’m kinda hoping to befriend him.

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A few days ago there was a nice Troll mage who poly’d me to heal me up after I killed a mob. Wish I could remember his name!

I love the idea of this thread, keep the positivity going!


Hey man you never know if you’ll meet, me and a guildie discovered we live like 15 minutes from each other and we’re gona grab a beer at some point haha


I’m glad there’s a thread like this.

So during the weekend I finally hit level 20 on my Rogue, which means I could go forward with my Class Quest on getting Poisons for my weapon. So if I’m heading over to The Barrens, might as well look for a group for Wailing Caverns. Fast forward, I’m now level 21 after the Run.

So I headed over to my Rogue quest area. Not realizing the targets I needed to kill were 4-5 Levels higher. I tried my best trying to do it solo, but I was admittedly under leveled and under geared. So what do I do, I heed to call on my fellow Horde allies in General Chat…was a big mistake. Was simply ignored and I got bombarded with “You should be able to solo it” “Get good” “Don’t be incompetent and read the quest so you know how to do it” (Which the quest journal doesn’t tell you the tricks/weaknessess each target has, which I already knew before hand).

I honestly thought the community was nice and friendly, it was wrong for some. The three Players, which include 2 Rogues and a Priest, as I shall remember their names, was just rude and awful. They do not represent the rest of the Community the ones whose been well and kind to me.

I tried many times but no avail, but then there was an Alliance Dwarf Hunter Level 29 that was in the area and seen me. That person decided to just helped me out and knew what I was going through. Took about 5 minutes to help me out, I was really thankful for that person.

So I went to General Chat saying that I finally completed my Class Quest with the help of an Alliance, apparently that triggered the same Players. Awful comment spewed afterword “Why don’t you just re-rolled” “Quit your b*#$ing”. I just logged off.

I had spare account and made an Alliance character to speak to that player, Hunter’s name was Agragon. Person said that he/she noticed me dyeing multiple time and that I was in that area for a very long time. I told Agragon I will make it up to him/her someday, which it will be today, so I’m sending the Player # amount of Gold. Took awhile to find someone who has an Alliance and Horde account to help me with the Transaction.

All I can is say is a shout out to Agragon for helping me. You never know who you might come across that needs help or get helped from. As for me, I like to return favors 10 folds and help anyone as much as possible when I’m availble. I truly believe things comes in full circle. Little things goes a long way.


This thread: tldr ugh

“People agree with me on the Internet, let’s PvP!”


I suppose that reading comprehension > you. That’s ok, though. The world needs ditch diggers too.

I’ve seen a number of your posts on this forum and, well, you’re in no danger of being called out for helping build a good community.

On the bright side, I guess you’re in no danger of losing a potential duel, if this gets off the ground.


Secretly, great post but painful to read. Randomly hit enter a few times to make it easier on the eyes. That’s my contribution.

Edit: might also be harder on the eyes because I’m on a phone so maybe it is me…

Because PvP determines truth, obvi.

Appreciation threads are nice. I just hope however world PvP won’t come to influence how people behave on the forums. What happens is in game.

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I feel like none of you are ready for the fate of Grobbulus. I’ve known some of the people that have chosen to play here for upwards of 10 years. This is going to be the most toxic classic wow server, I’m so sorry, I can only hope that our Horde stays together.

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