Calling server boomers

Why all the hostility towards Bhootam?? He wasn’t even “poaching” he’s just getting the word out to anyone interested that there are old school ED players out there. Literally nothing wrong with that. Get over yourselves. :roll_eyes:


We aren’t trying to come off as hostile. We regularly get people from Grobb or people who left the server for WRA or other realms coming here to tell us how “dead the server is”, and how much better things were back in the good old days. It’s really frustrating to the people who are working really hard behind the scene to foster a sense of community on this server, and creating content for other players to enjoy, and give folks a reason to stay. I get that wasn’t your intention, but the “hey guys, there’s a much better party over there” threads are not helpful. I’m pretty sure most “old EDers” who don’t care for modern WoW know what Grobbulus is and where to find it. If you want to put out the message that you’re in the game and looking to put the old crew back together, that’s great, and I wish you luck, but just do it over there.


Well, kudos to you and other folks for attempting to do so - I’ve attempted to do it in the past and I know how difficult it is. Everyone would like a more appealing game and hopefully the server will see a revival similar to what happened during Legion, post-WoD.

Some of them are really oblivious; happens when you reach WoW senility. The people I named were active more than 10 years ago and its nice to have friends and rivals connect with each other after so long.

lol People have been trying to do that for literally years. You, and whoever else is “working behind the scenes,” are just the second or third generation to do so. As Bhootam said, kudos to you for keeping the candle lit, I guess.

Emerald Dream isn’t dead. But it’s not the same as it used to be. It is what it is. Don’t poo poo on those of us who remember the fun we used to have and trying to connect with some of the friends we made back in the day on this server. Chill out and just exist, my dude.

“Chill out and JUST EXIST”

Aaaaaaaaaaand that’s when the crisis begins to set in

Great, it isn’t what it used to be, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t still great now because we’re doing things differently. I don’t care about putting down the old guard. I refuse to “chill out and just exist”. I prefer to kick in the door and make a mark on things. You can have your fond memories, and that’s ok, but don’t lord them over the people who aren’t clinging to the past and are creating the future.


“I prefer to kick in the door and make a mark on things.”

And this is why I’m fond of you.

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looks up at the OP’s edit like the Super Mario sprite from the snes

To set the record straight, including my old account, I’ve played from late vanilla up until now.

… I’m still not a boomer. The closest person here to being a boomer is that Ravenholdter Gnome mage wearing the ED mask over there. Even then, he’s easily Gen X.

Could you PLEASE stop calling us that?

Your sense of humor sure mirrors one. It was tongue-in-cheek. Relax. jfc

Oh, make no mistake. I do have a sense of humor and a damned good one.

Doesn’t mean I’m going to adhere to this faux-Jungian archetype your precious meme culture cultivated for you to label others I’m afraid.

It’s just that I won’t participate. “Boomer” just isn’t my narrative.

But I’ll make a TLDR for you in case that was too much for you to be bothered reading:

TLDR: Ok, Gamer.

I’m sorry. Was that supposed to be… ironic? Funny? Insulting? Like… ok…? And, your point is…?

“There is no punchline. It’s not a joke.”

boomers where


aight den boomer

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hiya friends, FYI Grob is the new ED. Its like the old days.

How have I not seen you in wpvp battles yet!?

ED was still fine. A few people still keeping RP-PvP alive. It’s just that the expansion was a dud.

My love is with the older expansions and I am enjoying myself. I might check out Shadowlands on ED for a couple of months (usually, the best time of an expansion).


I have some characters on Deviate Delight and I’d love to try out Grob, but its always locked :frowning:

Bhootam. Now that’s a name I haven’t heard in a long time.

I started out on ED back in Vanilla and have fond memories of being an irritatingly naive degenerate on these boards. It’s nice to see some of the old guard are back together. Makes me feel warm and fuzzy. I hope y’all are digging Classic on Grobbulus and waging some proper wPVP!


PS: Are Mick and Rhooja around anymore? I loved those guys.

Mick f’ed up royally - don’t ask
Rhooja is fine and she’s doing a lot of D&D these days tho not so much on ED

Peeks, Xeer, Brontar, me, Majah, Nasum, Select, silektro, Toie, Rhooja and others still hang out online

cheers :slight_smile:

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