In season of discovery earlier phase, blizz reduced the mana cost for buffs, but other than making the duration of the base buff longer by 15mins, the mana reduction is not felt for group buffing at all from classic version. While druids can easily buff 3-4 groups with mark of the wild, priests and mages have to buff one group at a time STILL and drink afterwards.
Please leave your support here if you think blizzard needs to further reduce the priest and mage stam/intell buff costs so we can get through the last phases of SoD raid content faster after a wipe. Time is precious and it’s not unusual to see 1-2 priests/mages in a raid needing to buff vs the 40man version where you’d most likely have more and assigned groups.
Conclusion: SoD dev team introduced the mana reduction cost of buffs in earlier phase, but there’s no difference with group buffs and they should buff it again so we can at least buff two groups minimum before we have to drink.
If they don’t, oh well…still worth an attempt to draw attention to this to the devs.
as a priest, i hate the fact that my mana gets drained to zero and have to drink a bunch of water just to reapply the buffs. usually the groups already pulling while i’m still drinking bc it’s taking so long, and during the anubian defenders when I ran to catch up I got hit by a meteor.
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I’ve lucked out on our raids because we have 4 priests 2 do spirit 2 do stam, but the couple runs when they aren’t all there by time I finished buffing 4 groups paladins had to reapply their buffs lol
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Like Senne I’m usually lucky enough to only have to focus on one or 2 groups as other priests will pick it up before I get to it but it’s big sadge if you end up being the main buffer in a group. I use lots of stratholme holy water because of it haha.
it’s nuts though that pally buffs are 10/15 instead of like 15/30 and priest buffs still cost such an obscene amount of mana. big “you threw off my groove” energy having to drink so often out of combat.
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Suggesting ideas or changes to the game? Remember to consult the “will blizzard do anything” flow chart!
Will this change positively impact paladins in some way? → No? → They won’t do it then.
If you’ve seen the recent blue posts, they’ve included changes to different class abilities. There is hope they can address the mana buff cost, fingers crossed.