Calling All Heroes of Azeroth! The Ruthless Renegades Await!

Heroes of the Horde and Alliance,

A new force has emerged on the battlefields of Azeroth, and they go by the name of the Ruthless Renegades! These formidable warriors are here to extend an invitation to all brave souls seeking honorable world player versus player (WPvP) combat.

The Ruthless Renegades are a group dedicated to the spirit of fair play, challenging other groups and factions to epic WPvP battles that test the mettle of all participants. We believe in the thrill of combat and the camaraderie that arises from facing formidable foes on the battlefield.

If you and your comrades are interested in engaging in thrilling WPvP skirmishes marked by honor, strategy, and respect, the Ruthless Renegades welcome you with open arms. Join their ranks and prove your valor on the front lines!

To connect with the Ruthless Renegades and arrange epic WPvP encounters, you can reach out Deacon at Deacon#1133.Together, we can keep the fires of conflict burning brightly in the heart of Azeroth, forging unforgettable battles and tales of valor.

Let us unite in the name of honor, glory, and the pursuit of thrilling WPvP combat. The Ruthless Renegades await your challenge!

For the Horde! For the Alliance!

May your blades stay sharp and your spirits unwavering,

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Im a solo player, but I’d love to take on you and 4 of your best people out in the Dragon Isles somewhere :upside_down_face:

What do you say?


How many people can you get together? Just 5?

No, I’ll fight solo vs whatever 5 people you choose


Where do you all Set up These battles! I’ve gotten wind of this but never heard of you guys before :open_mouth: would love to pvp against you all

Good morning,

Please add me on btag Deacon#1133 and I would love to set something up.

How do we join ? Thanks -Maliciouz

i see youre a gankster
im pretty gankster myself

hello and happy to hear about you!

I stumbled into one of you AV pre-mades last night and was very much impressed. frankly, I’m just a 40v40 player…not a raider or arena maven; just a PvE’er that loves AV and the BG’s like that. I hope you do those types of BG’s frequently. your AV raids are worth queueing up for.

it was wonderful to have a solid strategy and folks who knew how to martial the battlefield instead of rushing headlong into mass destruction.

ty for a wonderful time. I’ll be adding you to my battlenet friends list.

looking forward to lots of battles.


Did you add me yet? We have a community for you to join friend.

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adding you now!!

every time I send a battlenet friend request, it drops off into nowhere. any thoughts on how I can make it work? thnx

Ready to rock and roll!

Hey there, I’m along long Horde player but in TWW I’m all about Epic Bg’s AV heck anything world pvp wise. and if i have to join the alliance I’ll do it. I want to have fun with like-minded people. I’d like to bring my DK and Hunter over let me know or should I just make a dk and hunter on the alliance side what server are u on and do you have room in your guild for me. thanks

Server does not matter just have to apply to Ruthless Renegades 2 on an alliance toon friend. Thanks

xpac launches early tomorrow! Alliance are encouraged to join our ranks!