Brav/ Bigmage here. Looking for old Stormscale players to play classic with. I’m playing on Fairbanks Alliance. Leveling a rogue atm. CCù in the guild Is Old School hit me up for invite or Pious. cheers.
im probably the oldest of the oldschoolers still active from stormscale. though i was always horde. and still horde on whitemane classic.
Anneau from stormscale ally - come to Fairbanks horde!
macedin stormscale alliance from back in the day, now playing horde on fairbanks
Transferred to Pagle PVE server now. Really active server. Fairbanks was too unbalanced for me. playing an alliance lock/mage Shetindots/Shëtmàgê.
Heya friends <3
Widowmaker here, was in Do It.
Good to see some OGs around, to much work now, very little play.
Stormfail memories intensify
Dang I wish I had seen this way back when. I ended up alliance on fairbanks as well. I was spdr with shadowriders and rod back in the day.
I remember ya! I am currently playing Alliance on Defias Pillager (HC)